Directed by Israeli filmmaker Hilla Medalia, To Die in Jerusalem premiered at July's Jerusalem Film Festival and will air on HBO more than a dozen times in November.
A documentary about the mothers of a Palestinian suicide bomber and her Israeli victim will have its American television premiere Thursday on HBO. Directed by Israeli filmmaker Hilla Medalia, To Die in Jerusalem premiered at July's Jerusalem Film Festival and will air on HBO more than a dozen times in November.
The 75-minute film begins shortly after the March 2002 bombing of a Jerusalem supermarket, in which a teenage Palestinian girl killed herself, a security guard and a teenage Israeli named Rachel Levy.
The documentary follows efforts by Levy's mother, Abigail, to meet with Um Samir al-Akhras, the Palestinian's mother.
Directed by Israeli filmmaker Hilla Medalia, To Die in Jerusalem screened at Boston's Museum of Fine Arts in October and appeared at the Edinburgh Film Festival in August.