This weekend, on International Women's Day, the most influential woman in Israeli culture will be announced.
This weekend, on International Women's Day, the most influential woman in Israeli culture will be announced. On March 8, a group of judges including Gilad Reich, Gidon Levi, Rivi Feldmeser Yaron, Avirama Golan, Iris Mor and Daria Shuali will choose between 10 worthy women who have made significant contributions to local culture. The nominees are Iris Barel, Ilana Dayan, Lia Van Leer, Orly Kastel-Bloom, Tamira Yardeni, Ninette, Dalit Ofer, Tzipi Pines, Tzruya Shalev and Edna Mazya.
The ceremony and announcement will take place at 11 a.m. at the Holon Theater. There is no entrance fee.