The annual Pecha Kucha Tel Aviv event returns with an evening of
multidisciplinary artists performing non-stop.
By JERUSALEM POST STAFFFILM 1. CLEANSKIN Set in London, this is a spy thriller about a British secret service agent who is faced with the task of pursuing and eliminating a British-born suicide bomber and his terrorist cell. Starring Sean Bean, Charlotte Rampling and Abhin Galeya. At theaters around the country.DANCE2. THE LOCAL SCENE International Exposure, the annual showcase of Israeli contemporary dance for an audience of international arts presenters, agents, managers, journalists and artists, takes place from December 5 to 9 at the Suzanne Dellal Center in Tel Aviv. Over the course of five days, participants see the work of dozens of Israeli dance companies and choreographers in more than 30 performances, getting a rousing introduction to the dynamic Israeli dance scene.For tickets and detailed program, go to NIS 60 to NIS 120 3. GYPSY SERENADE The Flamenco Arte dance troupe has got together with a Spanish flamenco company for a production of Flamenco del Sur, an evening of dance, music and singing in the style of tablao flamenco, as practiced by Gypsies in the cafes of southern Spain. The evening is part of the Jerusalem Hamshushalayim festival.Wednesday, 8:30 p.m., Hirsch Theater, Beit Shmuel, Jerusalem, NIS 99, (02) 620-3463 ART4. SHORT MESSAGESThe annual Pecha Kucha Tel Aviv event returns with an evening of multidisciplinary artists performing nonstop. Each artist has only six minutes and 40 seconds to express him/herself and deliver his/her ideas.Sunday, 7:30 and 10:15 p.m., at Hangar 11, Tel Aviv Port. Tickets: Loveat cafes and www.pechakuchatlv.com5. LOOK AT THE FUNNY SIDE
As part of the Hamshushalayim festival, the Israel Museum is holding “All in Good Humor,” an event in which actors, illustrators, musicians and even children give their personal commentary on the Fine Arts Wing's permanent exhibition. Next Thursday, Israel Museum, JerusalemMUSIC6. YOUNG AND SUCCESSFULThe Israel Philharmonic Orchestra presents a series of concerts around the country with two special guests – conductor Kiril Petrenko and 23-year-old international violin prodigy Ray Chen. On the program are Sibelius’s violin concerto, Ravel’s Daphnis and Chloe and more.Upcoming dates: Wednesday at Tel Aviv University’s Smolarsh Hall; next Friday at the Jerusalem Theater. For more dates and details: 7. HOMAGE TO VIVALDIThe spirit of Vivaldi will be present at the next concert of the Jerusalem Baroque Orchestra entitled “When Bach Met Vivaldi.” The program will consist of only Bach’s works in which he rearranged or was inspired by the works of Vivaldi. This includes L’estro Armonico, which Bach rearranged for four harpsichords.Tuesday at 8:30 p.m at Ganei Tikva; Wednesday 5 at 8 p.m. at the Israeli Conservatory in Tel Aviv; December 8 at 8 p.m. at the Jerusalem Theater. Tel: 0535-255-899; (02) 560-5755.8. CHOPIN AND IMPROVISATIONSEnjoy the music of Paganini, Sarasate, Villa Lobos and Piazzolla with top musicians as part of the Monday afternoon concert series of the Hebrew University’s Musicology Department.Monday at 1:15 p.m. Room 2715, Humanities Building, Mount Scopus campus, Hebrew University. (02) 588-3936KIDS9. RING THE BELLSWinner of last year’s Curtain Up festival, the musical The Bell Girl by Nava Semel, is a co-production of the Mediatheque Holon and Beit Liessin, The story, inspired by an old Chinese tale, is about a girl who refuses to join her parents when they go to China.Saturday, 10:30 a.m. and 12:30 p.m. at the Mediatheque, Holon, (03) 502-1552, UPCOMING EXHIBITION 10. THE PAST YEAR“Local Testimony,” a regional exhibition of photojournalism, runs concurrently with the annual “World Press Photo” exhibition, featuring international press photographs. The local exhibition features photos illustrating moments of cultural, social and human significance from the past year.Starts next Thursday at the Eretz Israel Museum, 2 Haim Levanon Street, Tel Aviv, @JPost_Lifestyle