Choose a card: How you can improve your luck this week

How can we change or strengthen our luck this week? Choose a card and let it help you achieve your goal.

 Tarot: Choose a Card and Change Your Luck (photo credit: Official Website, Sagi Mendelboim)
Tarot: Choose a Card and Change Your Luck
(photo credit: Official Website, Sagi Mendelboim)

We often believe that luck comes from above, but those who truly have luck believe they also have a personal influence on their luck. It's true that we don't always control everything that enters our space, but no matter what event arises, we always want to make the most of it. I'll reveal the secret right here and now – our "luck" is often determined by how we react to various events in our lives, whether they are "good" or "bad." When we respond positively to things, support ourselves, and fill ourselves with resources, we are, in fact, creating our own luck. So how do we enhance our luck? How do we strengthen our "luck muscle"? How do we turn even an unpleasant event into a lucky one? Here’s the weekly message.

Tarot - The Hermit Card (credit: Walla System)Enlrage image
Tarot - The Hermit Card (credit: Walla System)

Card Number 1: The Hermit – Go Inward  

The Hermit is a card from the spiritual series, which shows us that this week, our luck is a deep internal matter connected to our life lesson. Specifically, we need to isolate external voices to find the right path. Often, when we feel "unlucky," it happens because we're not truly faithful to our inner voice and who we truly are, and maybe, unconsciously, we block that inner voice out of fear that it doesn't align with the prevailing opinion around us. This is a habit we can definitely soften and actively change. This week, our luck will return when we listen to the deep truth within us and make time and space for non-judgmental inner listening. This can happen through meditation, intuitive writing, guided imagery, or simply sitting in solitude for a set time to connect with our inner self.  

Like the Hermit holding the source of light, the lantern, we must look inward and light the way from within, to see what the soul is calling for at this moment, and instead of suppressing or dismissing the inspiration rising within us, we should simply give it space and honor it. We need to honor our inner Hermit who can distinguish between the rationality of the environment and the whispers of the heart and gut.

Once our inner and outer voices are "aligned" and we walk the path we believe in, things tend to fall into place by some wonderful coincidence. In short – inward listening will probably awaken our sense of luck, the feeling that things are coming together relatively easily.

Tarot: Seven of Wands Card (credit: SHUTTERSTOCK)Enlrage image
Tarot: Seven of Wands Card (credit: SHUTTERSTOCK)

Card Number 2: Seven of Wands – Stick to the Essentials  

The Seven of Wands is a card from the practical series, meaning our luck will awaken or increase if we are more "practical" this week and make decisions and actions aligned with the message. What's important with this card is our focus. Blocked luck is often energy or movement that doesn’t flow freely because it's invested unwisely. It's a bit like money – if we invest energy in the right direction, the flow will open in many ways. So what's blocking us this time?  

Investing in areas that don't yield results or outcomes.  

This week, if we waste time on side issues instead of addressing the core, we won’t feel the flow at its best. Strengthening our luck depends on our ability to focus on the important channels in our lives, not procrastinate, not waste time on trivial matters, but understand what is most important, even if it's something we don't want to deal with – and direct all our resources towards it. The ability to discern the essential from the trivial and stop wasting energy is the most important thing for us right now, and that's where the focus should be, whether it's in career, love, or family and friends. We have the ability to understand what wastes time and what moves us forward, and this choice alone will move us towards strengthening our sense of luck and flow.

 Tarot: Knight of Pentacles Card  (credit: Walla System)Enlrage image
Tarot: Knight of Pentacles Card (credit: Walla System)

Card Number 3: Knight of Pentacles  

The Knight of Pentacles is from a special series called the Knights, a set of cards that describe fresh, enthusiastic energy, but sometimes also missed opportunities. Each Knight represents an energy of "almost" – almost reaching a goal, almost success, almost progress – but each Knight also has a fear or difficulty that blocks them. In the case of the Knight of Pentacles, the difficulty is the fear of taking a step in case it isn’t the right step, and this is where the flow is blocked. Luck can likely strengthen a lot once we actually take action and make a real move forward. If our luck is a kind of free-flowing energy, then our ability to move forward is what will bring luck to our path. If we take a real step in the real world, we’ll see things truly moving forward, and then we’ll feel the luck. So we shouldn’t wait; we should just act.  

The beauty of the cards is that they bring us "both-and" – lessons and abundance, insights and transcendence, both practical messages and deeper understandings. The psychological approach in Tarot is holistic – spirit, body, and matter always work in synchrony, and we want to open our awareness, hear the messages, and choose the path that will bring the most luck to the system. This is what happens when we become skilled in the art of Tarot – an art that brings a lot of beauty, meaning, and movement forward in our lives. The cards remind us that we need to work alongside our luck and not be passive. Our decisions and the movements we choose – often make the difference, so we must learn the language of the cards and understand where they are guiding us. Which path is most right now? What should we avoid? All of this the cards teach us when we allow ourselves to learn them.  

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The author is Mendelboim Shagai, director of the school for personal fulfillment, Tarot, and dreams, author of the best-seller "The Guide to Reading Tarot Cards," a classical homeopath, with 30 years of experience teaching courses and workshops on personal development, Tarot, and dreams, which he delivers via Zoom, in Tel Aviv, and other cities across the country.