Mercury in retrograde: Your survival guide for this period

Five ways to get through Mercury’s retrograde period smoothly, according to astrologer Yair Tribelsky

 Mercury Retrograde in Aries Affects Us All – Here’s How to Handle It (photo credit: SHUTTERSTOCK)
Mercury Retrograde in Aries Affects Us All – Here’s How to Handle It
(photo credit: SHUTTERSTOCK)

Every three months, Mercury enters a retrograde phase that lasts for three weeks, during which it processes everything that has happened to us in the previous three months. This period is about tying up loose ends, closing relationships that have run their course, having "Where are we headed?" conversations with those who matter, adjusting (or damaging) our approach and communication, and ultimately returning to normal action, refreshed and renewed.

Yesterday, we shared with you all the effects of Mercury’s retrograde. Due to high demand, Walla’s astrologer, Yair Tribelsky, offers five ways to handle this challenge so that you can get through it smoothly and with minimal damage.

Here are some things to remember when Mercury is retrograde in Aries:

  1. Aries belongs to the fire element, so the pressure to decide and act is extremely intense. This affects the quality of our decisions and judgment. It is crucial to avoid impulsive decisions that come from the gut without seeing the full picture or understanding the real dynamics at play. Such decisions can be disastrous. Now more than ever, it is important to pause and think for a moment before acting.

  2. Aries is an aggressive and combative sign, meaning that decisions made during this period can come with a particularly short fuse and an urgent need for action—slamming doors, cutting ties, issuing ultimatums ("It’s either him or me"), and acting in an aggressive, definitive manner—only to later regret and apologize. Try to minimize the drama and delay major decisions, especially life-changing ones. Sleep on them for at least one more night.

  3. When it comes to buying or selling—real estate, cars, etc.—this is the time to sell, not to buy. When Mercury is in retrograde, it’s a period for getting rid of things, not acquiring new ones, especially since our judgment isn't at its best. Remember: Sell when Mercury is retrograde—buy when it moves forward.

  4. In relationships—this is the time to apologize to those we have hurt, have one-on-one conversations about "where we are headed," truly listen to our partners instead of just ourselves, and not be afraid to admit mistakes. Even when this retrograde occurs in Aries, this is still possible.

  5. Projects that stalled in the past, beginnings we abandoned, unfinished relationships we ran away from—now is the time to take another look and make a fresh decision. Move forward or let go, but do it properly. Closure is key.

If we manage to implement all of these, there’s a good chance we’ll get through this phase with a smile that only grows wider. Wishing everyone a smooth retrograde!

Want more tips on handling Mercury retrograde? Curious about what other changes await us this year? Here are all the details >>