New NYC anti-Israel coalition promises 'summer of resistance'

The New York City Resistance Coalition announced its formation on Thursday, reportedly answering a Juneteenth call by Atlanta "black revolutionaries" to launch a "summer of resistance."

 A protest waves a Hezbollah flag at a June 21 Hunter College protest. (photo credit: Screenshot/Instagram page pf NYC Resistance Coalition)
A protest waves a Hezbollah flag at a June 21 Hunter College protest.
(photo credit: Screenshot/Instagram page pf NYC Resistance Coalition)

A new anti-Israel and revolutionary coalition has promised a summer of actions and rallies for various intersecting causes.

The New York City Resistance Coalition announced its formation last Thursday, reportedly answering a Juneteenth call by Atlanta “black revolutionaries” to launch a “summer of resistance.”

The coalition said it consists of more than 30 groups, including several Students for Justice in Palestine chapters, Within Our Lifetime, Columbia University Apartheid Divest, and Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network.

Lecturing on 'land displacement'

The coalition has promised a series of lectures, activism actions, and rallies against Zionism, imperialism, police brutality, and “land displacement.”

“The word intifada is directly translated to ‘shaking off’ and is commonly understood as civil uprising,” the coalition said on social media.

 A demonstrator holds a placard as students from Columbia University protest outside offices of University Trustees, as part of ongoing protests in support of Palestinians, during the ongoing conflict between Israel and the Palestinian Islamist group Hamas, in New York City, U.S., May 7, 2024 (credit: REUTERS/BRENDAN MCDERMID)
A demonstrator holds a placard as students from Columbia University protest outside offices of University Trustees, as part of ongoing protests in support of Palestinians, during the ongoing conflict between Israel and the Palestinian Islamist group Hamas, in New York City, U.S., May 7, 2024 (credit: REUTERS/BRENDAN MCDERMID)

“Civil uprising has been historically used to fight injustice not just in Palestine, but against cop cities, in anti-imperialist movements, in the decolonization of Algeria and South Africa, and in all anti-racism, anti-capitalism, and anti-colonialist work. Long live the intifada. Long live the resistance.”

The coalition organized a protest at Hunter College in Manhattan on Friday for its first event, urging supporters to join them “in rage and solidarity” to “escalate for liberation by any means necessary.”

Pictures published by the group showed one activist waving a Hezbollah flag, burning a paper Israeli flag, and stepping on an Israeli flag and a US flag.

One banner called for a boycott of elections and the support of “Palestinian armed resistance.”