Spanish Podemos party leader Ione Belarra claimed on Tuesday that the State of Israel was committing genocide in Syria.“Israel is taking advantage of the instability in Syria to advance its colonial and genocidal plan, bombing several areas, including Damascus,” Belarra wrote on social media.“Virtually no Western media outlets are reporting on it. International inaction in the face of genocide endangers humanity as a whole,” she continued.
Since the collapse of former Syrian president Bashar al-Assad’s regime on Sunday, Israel launched Operation Bashan Arrow to destroy Syrian qualitative and strategic military assets.In hundreds of airstrikes, chemical and conventional weapon factories, cruise missiles, surface-to-sea missiles, UAVs, fighter jets, radar emplacements, tanks, naval vessels, and attack helicopters in Damascus, Homs, Latakia, Palmyra, and Tartus, were targeted and destroyed.Spanish pro-Israel NGO Action and Communication on the Middle East (ACOM) decried Belarra’s remarks, calling her “filth.”“Belarra cried because the chemical weapons factory with which her colleague Assad gassed the Syrians has been disabled by Israel, which has also carried out surgical attacks on the Syrian air and naval fleet to prevent it from falling into the hands of jihadists,” ACOM said on X/Twitter.
Radical Islamic groups on the rise
Podemos on Monday blamed Israel, Turkey, and Western powers for the rise of radical Islamic groups in Syria.
“Armed jihadist groups financed by external powers already control a large part of the country, while Israel takes advantage of the situation to invade it from the south,” said Podemos.“Kurdish areas in the north are also threatened by attacks by jihadists, mercenaries, and Turkey,” it added.