Extreme Solar Activity

A long time ago, I met an astronomer in Arizona who specialized in observing the surface of the sun. “What a boring job she must have!”, I immediately (but stupidly) thought. “I’d go crazy if I sat around watching the sun all day!”


But lately, I’ve changed my opinion on the subject – the sun is a lot more dynamic than most of us realize. Ever since September started, our sun’s surface has experienced an unbelievable number of changes which emit solar winds, or electromagnetic “particles” ejected from the solar surface.


“Particles?”, you might exclaim incredulously. “The sun emits light and heat, not substances! Space is a vacuum!”   In the model of the electric universe, we must re-consider humanity’s traditional thoughts on what actually reaches our Earth from the sun. While there is an extremely low density of particulates in space, space is far from being completely empty. (So, the stuff out there is not just the human-engineered “space junk” that people keep launching into the cosmos!) This will be discussed in depth further below.


The beginning of the month was initiated by a G1-class geomagnetic storm that originated from Coronal Mass Ejections (CMEs) from a couple of large coronal “holes” over 1/4-1/3 of the surface of the sun which was Earth-facing at that time. These holes can form fantastic shapes which resemble all sorts of things, but most usually look like a giant “Grand Canyons” on good old Sol’s face (i.e., our sun’s “official name”). These coronal holes are from the sun literally blowing off large parts or chunks of its surface comprised of plasma and particles.


This solar wind and geomagnetic storm continued from August 31st through September 3rd. (Please keep in mind that solar flares are graded A, B, C, M, and X, where A is the lowest grade and X is the worst grade.) As this existing G1 storm was subsiding, on September 4, there was an M class solar flare, from which the fast-moving wave hit late in the afternoon, affecting some radio communications mildly (for example, the Citizens’ Band, or CB radio, which our family still uses to get in touch with each other when cell phone service is negligible). The brunt of the CME hit the Earth’s magnetic field (or magnetopause) Tuesday, September 5. Next a huge X9.3 class solar flare occurred early Wednesday, and its main, slow-moving CME was expected to hit Thursday, September 7.


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September 7 was the most amazing day – three M class solar flares periodically erupted from sun spot AR2673 of magnitudes M2.4, M1.4, and M7.3. On Earth, we were experiencing a G4 class geomagnetic storm from radiation (previously emitted on September 6) hitting our magnetopause. Shortwave radio operators recorded solar radio emissions in the range of 23 MHz to 25 MHz, which is very high on the shortwave band, and usually this part of the band is inactive. This was followed by a finale of another X1.3 class solar flare from the same sun spot. However, by this time, this sun spot actually was an aggregation of at least two smaller spots, which over the week coalesced together to form a giant sun spot. From all of the week’s energy and particulates hurled at the earth, the proton flux velocity was greater than 780 km/sec on Sept. 7 (normal is 420 km/sec). Aurora borealis displays were seen as far south in the northern hemisphere as Morilton, Arkansas.


New Zealanders also reported spectacular auroral events in the southern hemisphere. These southern hemisphere auroras were remarkable in that they were pinks and yellows. Pink colored auroras usually result from electromagnetic force/particulates traveling deep and far down into our atmosphere. Our Earth’s magnetic field does an incredible job shielding the Earth’s surface from this solar radiation at most latitudes in which people live. However, the magnetic fields thin at the North and South Magnetic Poles. It is hypothesized that if the Earth is absorbing any of this energy and/or radiation, it would be at the North and South Magnetic Poles.


As of September 8th and 9th, the solar winds began subsiding. On Sept. 8, the proton flux velocity had reduced to 752.7 km/sec. On Sept. 9, this flux was measured at 542.9 km/sec, and solar watchers declared that the G4 geomagnetic storm was nearly over.


All this has happened when our sun is “scheduled” or “expected” to be in a solar minimum in its 11-year cycle for increased sun spot activities. Despite the solar minimum, a minuscule 22% of the year 2017 (up until now in September) have been sun spot-free days (totaling only 56 days)! Why is this occurring? Astronomers theorize it is from sources of electromagnetic radiation which originate outside of our Solar System.


So what all does this really mean? Not everybody gets to ever hang out and converse with astronomers who understand solar dynamics. So the following is an attempt to break all of these happenings down into digestible bits of scientific knowledge.


Even light, in the form of photons, is a form of nearly mass-less particles which exhibit waveform properties. Photons are like energetic electromagnetic bundles of “waving particles”, so to speak. Photons, protons, electrons, and space dust (which lately, contain increased fine iron particles in addition to the usual carbon- and silicon-based particles) are propelled towards the planets of the Solar System when violent eruptions or aberrant formations are detected from the sun’s surface.


People speak of charged plasma emissions from the sun – these too, are a form of extremely energetically-charged, waving particles (thus creating electromagnetic fields) that are essentially atomic nuclei stripped of their electrons.


Currently, the “Number One” elemental product of the sun results from joining two hypothetical hydrogen atoms into one helium atom (thus liberating a whole lot of energy which benefit us as light and heat). The most prevalent composition of solar plasma are helium atoms (minus their electrons) nearly consistently made of two protons and two neutrons. These particles have been known for decades as a product of radioactive decay in fissile reactions better known as gamma-rays. These are the rays of waving particles people most likely want to avoid from decaying radioactive elements because they cause extreme human DNA mutations. Over time, exposure to gamma-rays produce human cancers if one’s DNA reparation genes become mutated from repeated exposure.


But remember still, that usually our Earth’s magnetic field protects us from the bulk of this radiation. The greatest risk would occur on the hypothetical occasion of the magnetic field weakening. I have seen data, though, that the magnetopause actually strengthens and expands as it is hit by energy/particulates from CMEs and solar flares. But, people are concerned about what would happen if the electromagnetic field were fluctuating or non-existent , say in the event of a reversal of the Earth’s magnetic fields.


The stratospheric gamma-ray radiation levels have steadily increased from March, 2015 through May, 2017 by 13%. X-rays and gamma-rays in the 10 kEV to 20 MeV range are being detected now. The people who are the most affected are pilots and on-board airplane crews who frequently travel at 35,000 to 50,000 feet.


Will astronomers ever disclose with surety where these increased radiation levels are coming from? Usually, they just try to leave the answer to this question unanswered. But the most common theories are that the increased electromagnetic radiation originates from a pulsar star all the way across our galaxy, and/or a distant imploding star that has been gradually getting sucked into a black hole.


Some people wonder if this has anything to do with the predictions of Zachariah Sitchin’s translations of ancient Summerian tablets and the subject matter of David Icke’s lectures. That is – is there an approaching mini-Solar System orbiting a binary twin star to our own sun? I don’t know for sure – and there is a whole lot of subject-related misinformation on the Internet. I haven’t seen anything with my own eyes that I believe would suggest this to be true, but then I don’t know everything that’s out in the galaxy.


I know there is or are large bodies past the orbits of Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto whose gravitational field(s) are perturbing the orbits of these outer planets; the mathematics describing these planets’ orbits are undeniable that something huge is out there. (In case you missed it, Pluto has been upgraded back to the status of a planet, and is no longer a “planetoid”! Isn’t that exciting?) Astronomers have announced they’ve found one or two large planets at the “fringe” of our Solar System. But that is all they’ve announced to the public on their findings; once again, we have to “wait and see”. I can understand how they need to be sure of their findings as well as their conclusions before making everything public, though.


The universe is really a very violent place where stars get sucked or ripped apart by incredible gravitational forces, and there are cataclysmic collisions of planets, planetoids, asteroids, comets, and meteors with other heavenly bodies. When astronomers observe other Solar Systems, they conclude that our home in space is relatively safe and quiet. Let us hope that it continues to remain this way!   

P.S.  Sorry this is coming out a day later than I would have iked, but I've been off at our not-so-spectacular county fair winning a bunch of first-place ribbons on my awesome vegetables that would not be possible without Israeli drip irrigation.  And Kudos to whoever developed my cherry tomatoes -- they are wonderfully flavorful this year!