By KAROLINA CHOJNACKADan's Gifts attracted my attention because of beautiful bouquets of flowers andunusual gifts. I walked in and got to know the onwers of the store - Ashira and her husband.“I was born in Jerusalem. We own this store for 40 years. It is very rare to own the business for that long. This shop is like our home. Our children are working for us and then their children, our grandchildren will inherit the store and afterwards their children… We witness the next generations running the store. It is a family business. You know, this yellow door is more than 100 years old? We haven’t restored anything from the previous owners. This experience is unique which makes our store more special. We are known in Jerusalem, in Israel and abroad. When foreigners arrive to Jerusalem, they always come to our shop. We have an extraordinary collection of gifts. People appreciate our work and spread the news about our shop. I also speak Arabic so we have Arabic clients too. My passion for Jerusalem as I lived 62 years in the city is to have peace. Therefore I decided to learn more about Jerusalem. I am taking a course about the city. It is an exciting place, you never know what the next day brings.”