A very ''KEWL'' new way to get to THE PROMISED LAND
Sometimes the thing which we''ve been most ardently searching for is RIGHT THERE...just in front of our "allergy-infested noses!"All we need really do is LOOK and ACCEPT...This ACCEPTENCE can require more than a MODICUMof letting go...letting go of our ARROGANCE…
of our distinctive ways of "dropping people and things which pose complication…"letting go of the vastly unsuccessful,yet "seasoned," KNOWINGwhich we''ve become so attached to...This is, of course, all well and good...(the contemplation of such a SIGNIFICANT detatchment)HOWEVER... putting this heightened aspiration into practicemay be somewhat painfully DAUNTING...I suggest to you that...GROWTH is IMPOSSIBLE without a GREAT measure of DISCOMFITURE...of DISCONCERTION...Seriously, guys....I''m NOT trying to be PLATO here...just speculating...