Nahariya Demographics

I recently read an article in the Jerusalem Post in which Nefesh B’Nefesh was touted for bringing in 3,633 Americans in 2017.
What the article did not state was how many English speaking Olim have left the Promised Land.  Presumably more Olim came in than had left.  But what about Nahariya?  Although I do not know all the Olim in Nahariya, I do know about many of us.  And so the question is raised, in the last three years how many English speakers have made Aliyah to Nahariya, and how many have left?
This is what I have learned from my own records.  I’m sure that it is not completely accurate, but I would wager that it is accurate enough to draw some general conclusions. 
English Speakers Making Aliyah to Nahariya Within the Last Three Years:
Making Aliyah: 28*
Single: 10
Married: 18
Retired, not working:13

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Working or Available to Work: 15**
Secular: 9
Spiritual: 19
Olim Returning to the Country of Origin: 17
Single:  7
Married: 10
Retired:  2
Working or Available to Work:  15
Secular: 12
Spiritual:  5
Conclusions Drawn With Confidence:
  • Nahariya shows a net gain of 11 English speaking Olim
  • Nahariya has become more spiritual
  • Retired individuals tend not to leave
* Some individuals have left Nahariya for other cities in Israel.
** Includes retirees who are seeking employment.