I have thought about Rabbi Albin’s plea since his visit. I point with great sorrow to the sharp lines of division that this intense debate has caused within our community. I pray that the impact of this division will be short lived. But on the task of asking forgiveness from those whom I have personally attacked, who continue unabated to inaccurately portray the merits of the Iran deal, my heart is coming up empty. It is important that the Jewish community understand that as the intended front-line victims of Iranian aggression, neutralizing our opposition, as Jews, has the thoughtfully crafted effect of diminishing the magnitude of the apparent catastrophic impact of the deal’s ratification. My attacks have been specifically directed at Jews in positions of leadership and authority, who are either knowingly or unknowingly assisting in the grimy task of selling the deal. I wish them no personal harm. I just want them to know that the coveted positions within the community that they hold are being leveraged, with their consent, to the ultimate detriment of the community. Even with the suggested caveat of ideological exemption, I am unable, despite the ramification of G d’s potential displeasure, to apologize to these people for what in my mind constitutes a legitimate Torah mandated act of self-defense. I cannot feel remorse about trying to change the course of the greatest foreign policy blunder of all times, which by empowering our avowed enemy, will ultimately be putting the lives of my children and the security of our nation at risk.
I pray as the Days of Awe approach that G d’s accounting of my merits is not outweighed by my misdeeds.