Liberated lean and thin Siddhartha in sacrifice,
Renouncing all the pleasures, on a mere little bit of rice,
In deep meditation, in search of a way,
To liberate from suffering and worldly circle.
An icon of exceptional splendour and youth;
Presents him as biksha a crumb of food.
Out of selflessness and elegance, he accepts it,
Opening a new dawn of enlightenment and wisdom.
The universe unlocks with increasing spheres,
No Jesus or Mohammad arrived to enlighten Siddhartha,
Nor a white-winged Angel or a fairy;
But his deep meditation and enlighten within made him Buddha.
To facilitate him to voice the total Truth,
Of Ahimsa, Karuna, self-discipline,
Of eightfold course of righteousness
To break the fetters of birth, death and rebirth.
Attain Moksha, Nirvana and supreme peace;
Liberate from suffering to enjoy the highest bliss,
And don’t quiver about living and buried souls,
All pains controlled by silence and peace.
Buddha's teachings are to break rituals,
Love all and do not slaughter any creature;
Put off the killing-clothes, or sharpening the knife;
Renounce superstitions and build bonds between man and man.
But ignorant Ambedkar and Ambedkarites;
Christians and Crypto Christians;
All paid by money launderers or guided by interests,
Cloned a Neo-fake Buddha of hate and jealousy.
Sold Buddha to the dirt of hate and caste;
Looking him under their boot-soles and sick mind;
Hardly know what he meant and taught;
Need to filter and fibre their blood.
Failed to fetch him and his message,
Missed his love and compassion,
Used him to defame Hindus and Hinduism,
To grab power, wealth and what not.