An Israeli startup is changing the rules of learning English

The Israeli entrepreneurs who reinvented English studies are back! Learn English without feeling like you're learning at all.

 An Israeli start-up is changing the rules of learning English (photo credit: PUBLIC RELATIONS)
An Israeli start-up is changing the rules of learning English
(photo credit: PUBLIC RELATIONS)

The article was written in collaboration with Daily English

In an age where the whole world is a huge global village, knowing English at a high level can open many doors and provide new opportunities in career, studies and personal life. On the other hand, traditional English studies can be boring and tiring, and just as importantly - not always suitable for the modern pace of life.

Recently, a new Israeli startup came out that claims that you can learn English in an efficient and interesting way, through innovative methods that fit the busy pace of life and allow you to improve your English "on the go" according to your interests and occupation, we set out to check if this is true. 

Let's face it, anyone who has ever tried to learn a language has discovered that the learning challenge does not end with the language itself, but with several other factors that make learning more difficult such as the place where you study, the time you study and of course - the subject you study about.

Instead of imposing traditional study methods on the learners, people are looking for a solution that will allow them to learn through subjects that interest them, at a pace and under conditions that suit them. The combination between personal flexibility and interesting content makes the learning process more enjoyable and effective.

Our busy routines do not always allow us to devote time to prolonged studies and people are looking for the opportunity to learn "on the go" anywhere and anytime - whether it is in the car on the way to work, on the bus, in the gym or even while cleaning when all it takes is up to 30 minutes of learning a day to enjoy improvement significant in English skills.

But what happens when the daily routine collides with the desire to learn?

Between work, family and chores, it's hard to find the time and energy to sit down in front of a textbook or even listen to a recorded lesson. And when you finally manage to make time, fatigue and boredom take over and make learning a continuous nightmare. This frustration leads many to give up the dream of mastering English, and settle for a faltering language that holds them back in life.

So how can you get rid of learning and just absorb the language?

Usually those who do not have time to study in a frontal course learn what is called "on the road" through YouTube or Spotify, the problem with this is that the material is not really absorbed and there is no one to practice with, which means that in most cases a word I just heard will probably be forgotten by the time I get off the train.

The bad news is that this will always happen with passive learning, the good news is that you don't have to learn in the more traditional way. 

Recently, an Israeli startup developed an application that unites two parameters that touch the hearts of learners and they are: interesting topics and the ability to learn at a pace that suits them.

The Daily English platform allows users to learn English through podcasts on a wide variety of topics such as economics and business, science, relationships, spirituality, personal development and improve their English along the way by learning grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation and even speaking with an AI teacher and receive a score on their progress.

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 The ability to improve English from anywhere and at any time, in an experiential and interesting way'' to learn English with interesting podcasts (credit: PR)
The ability to improve English from anywhere and at any time, in an experiential and interesting way'' to learn English with interesting podcasts (credit: PR)

One of the unique features of Daily English is the possibility to learn English through your favorite podcasts, on a variety of topics. Whether it's technology, business, culture or any other field, the platform offers podcasts that make the learning process fun and enriching. Learning through podcasts will not only improve your English level but also expand your knowledge in various fields.

Daily English, the innovative platform for learning English, offers a unique approach that combines fascinating content with advanced artificial intelligence tools. From the very first moment, users get access to an AI teacher, which is basically an artificial intelligence-based conversational bot that serves as a virtual private tutor, a video library with high-quality recorded lessons, a wide variety of podcasts on different and interesting topics, interactive exercises with immediate feedback and a smart rating system that ensures personalization of pace the learning. 

The learning process in Daily English is simple and intuitive. Users choose a topic that interests them, listen to a podcast with a full transcript that appears on the screen, answer interactive questions while listening, and go through a summarizing exercise at the end of each episode. The system rates the progress and recommends additional lessons according to the individual level, which ensures a personalized and effective learning experience.

In conclusion, if you were looking for a new, effective and fun way to improve your English, Daily English is the perfect solution. With a flexible platform, fascinating content and advanced tools, you can improve your English significantly and in a short time, wherever it's convenient for you.

About Daily English

Behind the platform stand language, user experience and digital experts, led by Daniel Ben Shimon - entrepreneur and owner of the English study website With the extensive experience he gained, Daniel decided to make his vast knowledge of English studies accessible to people who need a more flexible schedule, and thus the Daily English platform was born. There are staff members who work in Israel, the USA and Greece, and the company continues to recruit talent from around the world at the same time as its growth. 

 From right to left, Daniel, Amir, Dvir, Meir and Kifah. The Israeli ''Daily English'' team (credit: PR)
From right to left, Daniel, Amir, Dvir, Meir and Kifah. The Israeli ''Daily English'' team (credit: PR)