How to choose a hair care kit?

Choose the right hair care kit for healthy, abundant, and soft hair - a detailed guide to match your hair type and needs for effective care results.

 How to choose a hair care kit?  (photo credit: freepik)
How to choose a hair care kit?
(photo credit: freepik)

So how to choose a hair care kit? First of all, you don't go into the nearest supermarket and buy shampoo on sale 2 for NIS 15. It requires understanding, awareness and investment, but what?! It pays off. Come on, let's go.

The main categories in hair care

We tend to confuse hair care products with hair styling products, but these are two different departments with different characteristics and different purposes:

Hair care products

Under the title "hair care" are grouped: hair shampoo, mask, argan shampoo, hair conditioner, ampoules and more. These are products designed to create a nourishing and restorative daily routine for the hair while maintaining a necessary level of moisture, hair protection and balanced exposure to sunlight.

Hair styling products

Under this category we can name hair serum, hair cream, glaze, hair mousse, hair gel, heat protectant before face, hair wax and more. These products are designed to help in the professional styling of the hair according to different hairstyles.

When we choose a hair care kit, we must distinguish between the types of products and choose a kit that matches our needs and our original goal of growing natural, healthy and more beautiful hair.

Criteria for choosing a hair care kit

Hair volume - is your hair full and thick or is it thin? Do you want to add volume or reduce volume?Hair quality - is your hair healthy and shiny or is it vulnerable, dry and has split ends?The thickness of the hair - is the hair strong/fragile? Thin/medium/thick?Hair shape - wavy? Smooth? Curly?If it is curly hair, what type of curls - kinky? big? small? From the roots of the hair or just from the shoulder area?

When choosing a care kit, we will have to characterize the type of hair in order to find the appropriate care accessories. Each hair type has a dedicated care kit, so it is important to first diagnose what your hair type is.

Biological introduction to hair layers

In order to make a more correct choice for a hair care kit, it is important that we understand what each of our hair consists of. Each individual hair consists of 3 layers:

Hair growth occurs under the scalp layer in follicles that contain living cells that produce new hair cells. Hair growth and its nature is affected by factors such as genetics, nutrition, lifestyle and hormonal changes.

Choice of shampoo and conditioner with an exact formula

A basic hair care kit includes shampoo and conditioner. Here, too, it is important not to fall into an intuitive choice, the purchase process must be carried out in an informed manner according to the type of hair: when choosing a shampoo and conditioner, you must examine the type of product and its ingredients and check whether it includes essential nutrients for your specific hair type.

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Note that if you have oily hair, it is important not to buy shampoo and conditioner for dry or damaged hair, these will only load your hair with another greasy layer and vice versa. Choose the optimal formula for you that will be precise and targeted and will allow you to maintain your hair and treat it effectively with every daily shower. Below are great types of shampoo for different hair types:

Argan shampo

Argan oil is an oil extracted from the nuts of the argan tree (originally from Morocco). It is the most expensive oil in the world and is used for many care purposes. In the field of hair, it is used as a natural mask. Shampoo containing argan oil nourishes the hair and makes it healthier, shinier and softer.

Shampoo without salts

Salt-free shampoo is designed to allow gentle cleaning of the hair and prevent irritation. Sulfate is a cheap substance found in many cleaning products, including shampoo for cleaning hair. Its function is to lather and clean the hair. However, because it is a strong chemical it may cause irritation and aggravation of skin problems. By choosing shampoo without salts, you are choosing a higher quality product that contains high quality and expensive chemicals that are not harmful to the scalp and offer a healthier cleaning experience.

How to choose a care kit for dyed hair?

To maintain the vibrancy of dyed hair, it is important to carefully choose appropriate care products. Here normal hair shampoo will not be enough and it is important to choose a hair mask and shampoo dedicated to the care of color-treated hair. Here are some super important recommendations:

Treatment of common problems: what to do with split ends, hair loss and dandruff?

The problems we mentioned in the title bother many women. In order to treat the problem, it is important to purchase a dedicated professional kit:

Care kit for split ends

In order to prevent split ends, it is important to avoid strong chemical treatments, hair styling with excessive heat and excessive brushing. A condition of split ends indicates damage to the cuticle layer. In addition, it is recommended to cut the ends once every 6-8 weeks. Here it is also recommended to use hair strengthening shampoo.

Anti-dandruff care kit

Sensitivity to various hair products or a dry scalp produce dandruff that includes peeling and irritated skin. Here it is recommended to purchase an anti-dandruff care kit that includes products that contain ingredients such as ketoconazole, zinc pyrithione, selenium sulfate, and more. The designated product should be gently massaged into the scalp and left for several minutes and only then removed.

Anti-hair loss care kit

Hair loss is caused by genetic problems, hormonal changes, stress or nutritional deficiencies. In these situations it is important to make sure to use a care kit that includes products containing zinc, iron and biotin.

In conclusion

When matching a hair care kit, we must examine the type of hair and the purpose of the purchase: is it intended for daily, nurturing use or for hair styling? In hair care it is important to choose a nourishing kit that matches our needs as users. Advanced care kits offer a comprehensive solution to various hair problems using quality ingredients such as: argan oil, salt-free shampoo, biotin, zinc, iron and other components to strengthen the hair and create a healthy and shiny appearance in the long term.