The Ninja of the Digital Promotion World: Meet Natan Elimelech

id you think that amateur digital promotion would boost your business? Natan Elimelech, an entrepreneur specializing in marketing, taught us that there are no miracles, only experience and hard work.

 Natan Elimelech (photo credit: PR)
Natan Elimelech
(photo credit: PR)

Nowadays, the most effective way to promote the business is through the digital space. In fact, it is no longer really possible to separate the online business world from the traditional business world, because without our noticing, a two-headed monster has been created here, and one depends on the other.

But, when it comes to the (unquestionable) effectiveness of the various promotional tools, there is no doubt that what is really important is who is "behind the scenes", or in other words, the person who manages them. So you wondered how you can upgrade your business' online presence and reach new customers? To get an answer to this question, we spoke with Natan Elimelech, founder and CEO of the company "Natan Elimelech Ltd", which in the last decade has become one of the leading names in the field of digital marketing and promotion in Israel.

Natan, what is the most wrong concept towards the world of digital promotion?

sincerely? Anyone can do digital marketing. It is true that access to the various promotion tools is open to everyone, but in practice, in order to use them in the right way and to achieve optimal results, one must be thoroughly familiar with the tools, the technologies behind them, how to properly combine the media, how to target the target audience, how to correctly analyze the analytical data which they present, and so on.

And not only that, in practice, the processes of digital promotion are often not immediate, and long before you even start using the tools, you need to know how to plan and build a strategy, when a good promotion strategy first requires quite a bit of market research. At the end of the day, it is important to understand that building a digital brand is a complex task that requires not only technological understanding and marketing application, but also interpersonal skills and a lot of precision in identifying social trends.

So what actually drew you to promotion?

The digital world started to intrigue me already 15 years ago when it was still relatively in the initial processes of growth and development, and especially as an entrepreneur who specialized in the field of marketing and branding. When I'm interested in something I have to study and analyze it in detail, so I started studying and researching the advanced technologies of social networks and I realized very quickly that here I have the ability to combine two fields that I really like, marketing and technology. It also really excited me to have the opportunity to build something from scratch. In general, there is something in the world of digital promotion that is terribly fascinating to me, on the one hand, it has a lot of technical elements of data and metrics, on the other hand, somewhere you have to find the way to evoke an emotional connection in people through screens. crazy isn't it?

Do you have projects that you prefer to promote more than others?

Listen, over the years in the field, I have managed to manage both small campaigns for start-up businesses and marketing campaigns with cumulative costs of tens of millions of shekels on every possible advertising platform, such as Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, Google, YouTube, Outbrain, Tabula, LinkedIn and more. To tell you that I have favorite projects would be far from the truth. Every project is a challenge for me, even when it's a project with a huge budget and also when it's a small project of a start-up business, I feel those tingles of "come on". In general, my mantra to my employees is that we invest all our strength in each client, for me this is a supreme value of my work, and also what has brought me this far.

What led you to start a large digital promotion company?

In the past 15 years I have operated and managed an amazing team of top professionals in the field and at a certain point due to the huge demand for campaign management by us I felt that in order to move to the next level I needed to significantly expand the team. I really had a vision of establishing a promotion company that provides a 360 envelope of digital services. I felt that this was the right step for me, and that with a team of leading experts in the field, I could really make changes in the promotion world, and most importantly, I could help other businesses realize their full potential. Don't want to sound cliché, but helping people make their business dreams come true is something that motivates me and my team. There is something about it that activates the killer instinct in me. I want to see them succeed and it makes me feel good to have a part in it.

What promotion services does your company offer to businesses?

So as I said, it was important to me that my company include all the important services for promotion in the digital world, that's why me and my team provide a full package of all digital services, the so-called ONE STOP SHOP. Our services include content writing, brand building, website maintenance, website accessibility, website construction, application development, social media management, online store construction, graphic design, advanced automation, organic promotion, sponsored promotion, promotion and advertising on Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, LinkedIn , on Google, Tabula, O'Brien, YouTube and so on.

We use advanced systems, and for each project we build a dedicated professional team to build a comprehensive promotion campaign this season for all business needs. All the company's experts have been carefully selected, and the process of working with the client is done with complete transparency and full cooperation. The core of Natan Elimelech Ltd. is to bring results. We don't come to play, we come to work like ninjas so that every business that passes through us becomes a successful brand.

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