Choose wisely: Home purchases go beyond what meets the eye

Interior designer emphasizes the importance of understanding a property's potential beyond surface appearances for informed real estate decisions.

  (photo credit: Oded Smadar)
(photo credit: Oded Smadar)

One of life's significant transactions is property acquisition, yet "what you see is what you get" isn't always true. Sometimes, what appears catastrophic has a simple and inexpensive solution, while concealed flaws can entail complex and costly remedies.

Interior designer Hadass Rot, from the architectural and interior design firm Halel Architecture, explains, "An average buyer tours 4-5 different properties with a realtor. Often, they fail to grasp each property's potential. Sometimes, a slightly renovated apartment can blind them, leading to a major mistake."

  (credit: PR)
(credit: PR)
  (credit: Oded Smadar)
(credit: Oded Smadar)
  (credit: Oded Smadar)
(credit: Oded Smadar)

Unlike buying a car, which is mostly pragmatic, purchasing a home is emotional. Understanding critical details like renovation costs and transitioning to a new property is crucial.

In today's volatile market, where clients reject properties due to a lack of understanding, Rot asserts, "Conversely, a client might be swayed by superficial improvements like new flooring or a kitchen, unaware that the property doesn't suit their needs."

"In just one meeting, after reviewing plans and even videos of the property, I can assess and inform the client about its pros and cons tailored to their needs. I can advise on the best option, potential room expansions, renovation costs, and which property will yield maximum returns. A purchase cannot be impulsive; it must be calculated and professional," she explains.

Rot further notes, "Some clients, convinced their current property doesn't fit, seek our help to find a new one when refurbishing their current home would be the best option. This could save them hundreds of thousands of shekels, serving them precisely."

  (credit: Tal Alkabes)
(credit: Tal Alkabes)

Such a meeting at Halel Architecture with home videos and plans would cost the client  NIS1,500 plus VAT. "Our role is primarily to alleviate stress. You embark on this adventure with emotional excitement, but the goal is to make a rational decision, removing emotional bias. Never buy on impulse, especially in the current climate," Rot advises.