Miran Buzaglo's tips for effective laundry

From chocolate stains on our children's shirts to ink stains on our adult clothes, no age or garment is immune to stains. Miran Bozaglo offers several important tips to help you remove most stains.

  (photo credit: OR GEFEN)
(photo credit: OR GEFEN)

From chocolate stains on our children's shirts to ink stains on our adult clothes, no age or garment is immune to stains. Holiday meals and family events, birthday celebrations and outings with friends, school activities, or courses - every daily activity we do carries the potential for clothing stains.

Many stains can be cleaned, and for this, there is no need for special laundry detergents but mainly for patience. Cleaning stains is not just about spraying a stain remover and tossing the garment into the washing machine; it's a real process.

Miran Buzaglo, a spokesperson for the Touch company, shares several important tips to help you remove even the most stubborn stains.

Time is of the Essence - Time is the stain's best friend, and the longer it stays on the garment, the more it sets and becomes difficult to remove. Therefore, if something spills on you, don't delay treatment and don't throw the garment into the laundry basket. Treat the stain as soon as possible and don't allow it to set in the fabric.

First Aid - First of all, make sure you always have stain removal wipes in your bag and car. This is true for all seasons, especially summer. If a splash of fruit juice lands on your clothes, immediately blot it with a stain treatment wipe. Let it dry and continue treatment at home according to the instructions. Wash the stained garment with a detergent designed for stain removal.

Soak the Garment in Cold Water - Initially, it is recommended to soak the stained garment in cool water for about 45 minutes. Afterward, blot the stain with a stain remover and wait for another hour.

Don't Scrub - Our initial tendency is to run and scrub the stain to try and remove it from the garment.

Myth Busting: Scrubbing might actually push the stain deeper into the fabric and cause it to spread. It's better to blot the stain gently several times and promptly proceed to initial stain treatment.

Don't Mix Multiple Products - It may seem that using two strong products will defeat the stain, but using a stain remover not suitable for the fabric or mixing different types of stain removers can damage the garment. First, check that the stain remover is suitable for the fabric type and test the fabric's resistance in an inconspicuous area. Also, if you start treatment with one type of stain remover, continue with the same type, as mixing two products can create chemical reactions that will harm the garment.

Complete the Stain Treatment Before Using the Washing Machine - It is important to treat the stain and dry the garment in the specific spot before putting it in the washing machine.

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When you see that most of the stain is gone, wash the garment in cold water. This wash is essential to remove any remaining stain and cleaning agent. Note: if the fabric is still stained, dryer heat can set it permanently. Therefore, let it air dry.