Apple set to announce AI era at historic event tomorrow

The tech giant will unveil its next-generation operating systems and enter the AI field for the first time in a grand event. Here's what to expect.

  (photo credit: Yinon Ben Shushan)
(photo credit: Yinon Ben Shushan)

Tomorrow (Monday), Apple is expected to unveil its new operating systems for the iPhone (iOS 18), iPad (iPadOS 18), and Mac computers at the opening of its annual developer conference, WWDC 2024. According to reports, this event is anticipated to be one of the company's largest and most significant ever, marking its entry into the realm of artificial intelligence, likely in collaboration with OpenAI.

Apple is expected to introduce new tools and services based on generative AI that will enable users to perform a wide range of tasks, from enhancing image quality to creating new content. Additionally, the integration of AI into the iOS 18 operating system is expected to significantly improve the user experience, with new capabilities such as real-time translation, object recognition, and automatic transcription.

As is well known, generative AI has made waves in the tech industry, prompting companies like Google and Microsoft to try to catch up after the meteoric success of OpenAI's ChatGPT. According to Counterpoint Research, more than 100 million smartphones with built-in generative AI capable of creating content with AI are expected to be sold in 2024. A survey by McKinsey & Company highlights the broader range of generative AI beyond smartphones, noting that one-third of respondents use the technology regularly in their organizations for business purposes. In contrast, Apple has been notably absent from this race.

  (credit: Yinon Ben Shushan)
(credit: Yinon Ben Shushan)

What’s on the Agenda?It is unclear what specific features Apple is developing for iOS 18. However, reports suggest several changes:

Siri Enhancements: One of the central features will be a significant improvement to Siri, Apple’s virtual assistant. Siri will utilize LLMs (Large Language Models), advanced AI models that will enable more natural conversation management, better user understanding, and even automation of complex tasks via the “Shortcuts” app.Home Screen Redesign: The home screen design is expected to undergo a significant upgrade in iOS 18. Users will have more freedom in arranging the home screen, including the ability to create gaps and blank rows between app icons, similar to Android.Control Center Revamp: The Control Center will receive a major design overhaul after years without significant changes.RCS Standard Adoption: Apple is expected to adopt the RCS (Rich Communication Services) standard, allowing richer messaging to Android devices (including high-quality images and videos) and advanced functions like reaction emojis, read receipts, and real-time typing indicators.