How solar garden lighting became the most desired outdoor furniture

Solar lighting transforms garden design by providing a stylish, inviting atmosphere while saving on electricity costs.

  (photo credit: INGIMAGE)
(photo credit: INGIMAGE)

Garden owners, both in Israel and around the world, are constantly seeking new ways to enhance their gardens, which are an integral part of their homes. The goal is for the garden to be as visually appealing and functional as the home's interior. Well-planned gardens offer a pleasant and usable space, extending the living area outdoors, with the added benefits of sunlight and cool evening breezes. Additionally, sitting in a well-maintained garden with ornamental trees benefits our health as trees emit clean oxygen and improve our respiratory system.

Outdoor Lighting

In today’s world, we no longer go to bed at sunset but much later. To make the garden relevant and inviting during evening and night hours, it needs to be lit. When it comes to garden lighting, it is important that the lighting is both strong and efficient, while also being comfortable for the eyes and not too bright. The goal is to create a kind of dim, even yellow, lighting to achieve the desired effect: a beautifully lit garden with an evening atmosphere and relaxation.

We can observe that restaurants or event gardens hosting evening outdoor events invest significantly in lighting. The lighting creates a relaxing atmosphere, and creative lighting solutions greatly enhance the design and attract customers.

But It's So Expensive!Outdoor lighting can be expensive. Beyond the initial cost of purchasing the lighting fixtures, there are additional and costly electricity bills, and the bulbs need to be replaced whenever they break.

Consider the example of Dan and Michal, a couple who want to improve their charming garden. They install an electric lighting fixture connected to the wall and enjoy its light. After two months, they find that the bulb has burnt out and needs replacing. With their busy lives, they don’t get around to it, and every time they want to go to the garden, they look sadly at the bulb, longing for the days when they could enjoy it in the evenings. One day, Dan decides to replace the bulb. Now they can once again relax in the garden and even invite guests for dinner. However, new problems arise. Dan, now cautious about the bulb’s lifespan, constantly reminds Michal to turn off the outdoor light. Furthermore, he tries to avoid sitting outside as much as possible. At the end of each month, Michal looks at the electricity bill, grumbles in frustration, and wonders why they bought this lighting at all. What good did it do? It only caused them trouble.

Dan and Michal's case is extreme (and perhaps slightly comedic) but reflects the situation of many garden owners. Garden lighting is supposed to be a simple, one-time purchase. No one has the energy for it to become another household chore with high costs and a lot of hassle.

Beyond the cost, installing outdoor lights can be technically complicated. You need to find a suitable power source, connect the fixture to a socket, and sometimes use an extension cord. Many people, not being particularly handy, might get frustrated and give up at this stage.

  (credit: Solar Light)
(credit: Solar Light)

Solar Garden Lighting

Solar garden lighting is the solution to all the problems presented so far. Solar lighting operates using sunlight rather than electricity. During the day, the bulbs lie in the garden, absorbing sunlight and converting it into light energy. This is a brilliant solution because garden bulbs are not used during the day, so these hours can be utilized to create green energy.

In terms of cost, solar garden lighting is a one-time investment that pays off. There is no need to replace the bulbs or pay for them on the electricity bill. Our good old sun produces the light. Installing solar lighting is convenient even for non-professionals. In many cases, you simply need to place the light pole, globe, or garland (which we will detail below), and they will work on their own.

Another significant advantage is the environmental benefit. It’s no secret that Earth is not in great shape, with ozone depletion, global warming, and more. Any use, no matter how small, of green (solar) energy instead of electric energy is environmentally friendly and helps preserve our planet. A private garden owner might think that their small garden will not impact the global environmental situation, but the truth is that if all garden owners worldwide, all restaurants, event gardens, and parks use solar lighting, real change can happen.

  (credit: Solar Light)
(credit: Solar Light)

Solar Garlands

A solar garland is a string of solar-powered bulbs used for garden decoration and lighting. Garlands create a pleasant, intimate, and even romantic atmosphere with their small light balls and connecting strings. There are several types of garlands, each serving a different purpose.

Soft, yellowish garlands typically decorate private homes or restaurants and create a pleasant and intimate atmosphere.

In contrast, colorful garlands (each bulb in a different color) create a disco or techno party atmosphere. Solar garlands are one of the most convenient, practical, and economical lighting fixtures.


For national orders and service, visit the website - Solar Light

This article was written in collaboration with Smart.