The heating up of the refrigerator market with new designs

As home cooking grows in popularity and the need for storage increases, consumers seek products combining advanced technology, luxury design, and maximum convenience.

  (photo credit: STUDIO TEKA)
(photo credit: STUDIO TEKA)

With the rise in home cooking and the growing need for ingredient storage, consumers are increasingly looking for products that blend advanced technology, luxurious design, and maximum ease of use. One of the most basic current consumer demands from refrigerators is energy efficiency. For instance, a study in China found that about 62.5% of consumers prefer to purchase refrigerators with high energy ratings, despite their potentially higher costs, due to long-term savings in operational costs.

Additional consumer preferences include customization and designs that seamlessly integrate into the home space.

Consequently, refrigerators are becoming smarter, more efficient, economical, and user-friendly. Innovations for the upcoming summer include drawers with adjustable temperatures based on stored food, refrigerators made entirely of drawers, push-to-open drawers, refrigerators reaching up to 2 meters in height, and more.

  (credit: Studio Kuppersbusch)
(credit: Studio Kuppersbusch)
  (credit: STUDIO TEKA)
(credit: STUDIO TEKA)

Many refrigerators now come in stainless steel finishes and feature advanced technologies such as three independent cooling circuits that prevent frost buildup and maintain food freshness. These capabilities are complemented by an inverter motor that provides high efficiency with lower noise and energy consumption.

Additionally, some refrigerators are equipped with dedicated drawers for keeping fruits and vegetables fresh for longer. These drawers are designed to provide optimal humidity conditions, preventing drying and slowing down food aging processes. They also help preserve the taste and nutritional value of fruits and vegetables. Some models even offer drawers that open with a push, making them easy and convenient to use.

Another modern technology characterizing new refrigerators is IonClean, which neutralizes bacteria and odors. In terms of convenience, refrigerators now feature external displays for temperature control and LED lighting, which ease daily operation and use.

Until recently, home refrigerators did not surpass 1.80 meters in height. However, electrical brands are now introducing refrigerators nearing 2 meters, allowing for significantly greater food storage. Early this year, refrigerators reaching 1.94 meters in height and 70 cm in width were launched.

Another example is a 192 cm tall refrigerator that introduces a notable innovation—a freezer without a divider, enabling storage of large items: from trays to pots and even pizza pans.

  (credit: STUDIO TEKA)
(credit: STUDIO TEKA)

Another innovation is the possibility of combining a 75 cm refrigerator with a 45 cm freezer, providing the significant advantage of expanded storage space tailored to diverse needs.

Consumers also enjoy a wide range of cooling appliances in various sizes and volumes, tailored to their personal needs. For example, modular units can be combined into a single unit, including two refrigerators and a freezer (or vice versa). Additionally, under-counter cooling appliance series offer 60 cm high refrigerators and freezers with coverings, suitable for those limited in space.

One of the interesting design innovations aligns with the trend of placing refrigerators flush with cabinets. New models feature special doors that allow the refrigerator doors to open even when set flush with cabinets. Another trend is refrigerators blending into kitchen cabinetry, appearing as part of the kitchen when closed.

  (credit: Studio Kuppersbusch)
(credit: Studio Kuppersbusch)

Another growing segment in Israel is wine refrigerators. In recent years, there has been a 200% increase in demand for wine refrigerators. Modern wine refrigerators present several functional and design innovations. These refrigerators offer optimal storage conditions with three independent storage zones tailored to wine types: red, white, and sparkling. Additionally, they feature double glass doors with protection against light and UV rays, an anti-vibration system, efficient LED lighting, and a humidity control system that maintains humidity levels of 55%-75% to preserve cork quality. The refrigerators come with adjustable wooden shelves that provide flexibility in bottle sizes and an active air filter ensuring clean internal air.

Some wine refrigerator models also offer knock-to-open technology, where users only need to knock on the door equipped with a sensor, and it will open automatically. Aesthetically, these refrigerators boast an elegant design that easily integrates into any kitchen or large space. The double glass door contributes to a sleek and clean appearance. The adjustable wooden shelves add a warm, natural touch, allowing flexibility in bottle display.

Some models allow design flexibility in the kitchen; they can be integrated into a kitchen nook beside the oven or microwave, under the counter, or as a free-standing unit. One of the latest developments in the field even allows the integration of the wine refrigerator within the regular refrigerator.