How many electric Cherys designed by Bezalel students will be sold?

A rare collaboration between the Jerusalem Academy of Art and a car importer: illustrations proposed by visual communication students were printed on a Chery FX, to be sold at a public auction.

  (photo credit: Daniel Abergil)
(photo credit: Daniel Abergil)

As part of the "Illustration in the Real World" course in the Visual Communication Department at Bezalel, students were tasked with creating an illustration that would wrap around the exterior of an electric Chery FX, thereby giving it a new and original appearance.

The three-dimensional format challenged the students in the course, eliciting surprising and exciting solutions from them. Within a few weeks, they managed to create new and diverse illustrative styles that envelop the vehicle, telling a three-dimensional visual story. The course was led by Anat Varshavsky, with Erez Gavish, head of the department, and Amit Trainin, head of the illustration field in the department.

The first place winner is May Talan, a fourth-year student in the Visual Communication Department at Bezalel. Talan's illustration will indeed be printed on the vehicle, which will be placed in front of the Jack, Joseph and Morton Mandel Campus in the city center, where the institution moved this year from Mount Scopus, and later offered for public sale, with the destination of its proceeds yet to be determined. The price of the electric Chery without the illustrations starts at NIS 157,000.

  (credit: Daniel Abergil)
(credit: Daniel Abergil)

The instructors noted that the winning illustration depicts a chain of humanoid figures holding hands in a dance motif that envelops the vehicle entirely. The figures are characterized by geometric simplicity and warmth, conveying a sense of humanity. The dancing movement surrounding the car creates a dynamic and joyful contrast to the vehicle's inherent rigidity, a movement that remains in the viewer's visual memory over time.

The top three students selected will receive a monetary prize worth several thousand shekels.