Upgraded: Jimini's special add-on feature has also been upgraded in Hebrew

Google upgrades Gemini in Hebrew, allowing connection to Gmail, YouTube, Maps, hotels, and flights for relevant information retrieval, enhancing user experience.

  (photo credit: Dr. Itay gal)
(photo credit: Dr. Itay gal)

Google is upgrading Gemini in Hebrew. From now on it will be possible to ask him questions about YouTube videos, hotels, flights and also emails. The plug-in feature actually allows you to connect to additional Google applications, such as Gmail, YouTube, maps, hotels and flights, and extract relevant information from them for your prompts.

This feature was launched in English back in September. Google gives one long example of how all these services connect together, when you can ask Gemini to plan a vacation with available dates that it finds from your emails in Gmail; He will then recommend you flights and hotels from Flights and Hotels; And will also flood information it has pulled from watching YouTube vlogs about your destination. After all this he will also ask for walking directions from the hotel to a cafe recommended on Maps.

As mentioned, Gemini is an artificial intelligence chatbot developed by Google.