Interior designer who flourished after personal crisis: "Designing for those who dislike trends"

Liat Shechtman, a veteran interior designer, discusses her journey embracing timeless elegance over fleeting trends.

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Following a personal crisis, Liat decided to sell the business she had built from the ground up. "I took a hiatus from intensive work and began focusing on entrepreneurship and giving lectures on design and improving quality of life," she says today, as an established figure in classical contemporary interior design. "During interactions with clients, many requested that I design their homes in a style I truly believe in. Zero trends, deep consideration for practicality, functionality, and longevity."

"I specifically chose classical design because I travel extensively, exploring architecture and design through local cultures. I consistently find that what excites me is precise planning, symmetrical lines, natural materials, and compositions that connect people to the spaces they inhabit," she adds.

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A classical home exudes a serene luxury. When you enter such a space and harmony envelops you, inexplicably akin to the feeling of stepping into a luxurious resort, the breath is taken away, realizing meticulous thought has been put into every detail.

Classicism embodies endurance, quality, elegance, impeccable finishes, and attention to detail. Designing a classical home requires precision, depth, integrating sophisticated systems, and managing numerous professionals.

"Many think classical home design begins and ends with furniture and paint, but simply buying expensive branded furniture isn't enough to create a classical home. In fact, furniture is the final stage of the project," Liat notes. "The wisdom lies in proper spatial planning, choosing durable materials that will last 20 or 30 years, selecting the right professionals and suppliers, adhering to budgets and timelines, and orchestrating everything so the final result is perfect. Unfortunately, I've encountered many cases where people tried to design their homes based on a Pinterest picture and were disappointed because they didn't consider all the stages involved, resulting in wasted money and dissatisfaction with the outcome."

Liat, how did you come to embrace classical design?

"I initially started as the owner of a children's furniture brand, 'Noa Children's Rooms,' a renowned carpentry firm in Israel with 70 employees. I designed children's furniture with the idea they could later fit into the rest of the home. I created special lines for private clients and major brands like Dr. Gav. However, 'Noa Children's Rooms' showroom was located in Herzliya Pituach, and I managed this vast business from the planning and design stage to delivering furniture that customers were delighted with at home. The success of 'Noa' lay in the quality of materials, versatility, and a design that truly stood the test of time. To this day, I visit homes where the children have grown, yet 'Noa' furniture still graces their homes, albeit repurposed."

"Classical elements used across cultures for centuries exude a wonderful look and feel. Classical contemporary design creates a calm in the soul, a sense of comfort and abundance, gifts bestowed upon every person who designs their home this way. Another important parameter is that classical design greatly enhances property value."

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Given your extensive experience, who connects most with classical design?

"It's easy for me to say 'everyone,' but truthfully, those seeking classical contemporary design value quality and aren't enthralled by passing trends. They don't have the time or desire to renovate every year or two and seek a home that will look elegant and well-maintained for many years. Those who understand classical design enhances property value and people who recognize how proper design influences and upgrades quality of life."

What will make my home look as classical as a magazine?

"There are several key parameters: maintaining symmetry and balance. Classical design emphasizes balance and symmetry, organizing spaces with a central focal point that creates a sense of harmony and order. Another crucial aspect is selecting elegant and enduring materials. Classical design is characterized by high-quality, long-lasting materials that will still look great in 20 years. For example: wood, marble, leather, glass, or iron. Another thing to focus on is details. Attention to detail is paramount in classical design. Emphasize the level of finish and precision in planning and execution that bestows maximum honor on the space and its inhabitants. It's also important to play with layers of colors. Classical interior spaces typically feature layered plays of a neutral color palette, creating a sophisticated and refined atmosphere. Layering allows architectural details to shine. Maintain a formal layout, as classical design often includes formal arrangements with clearly defined spaces and areas designated for specific activities. Rooms may have clear purposes, such as a formal living room, family lounge, dining area, or study."

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In conclusion, do you have tips for those about to remodel or move into a new home?

"Beyond design style—understand the feeling you want your home to evoke when waking up, returning from work, sitting down to a family meal, or simply being by yourself—try to recall the positive emotions you've experienced in places like hotels abroad. These feelings will later translate into reality, alongside the designer you choose."

"Invest in quality materials—beyond appearances, there's a difference between materials that last decades versus a few years. Remember that what's cheap sometimes costs more in the long run."

"Understand that planning is paramount. Proper planning can transform any standard apartment into a villa and significantly enhance property value, so invest in an experienced designer who specializes in this expertise."