How do you fly with a baby? The guide for the beginner parent

Planning to fly abroad with a baby for the first time? Gooday prepared operating instructions for you or rather - survival rules for flying with a baby.

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Let's start from the beginning, before he was even born:

So the baby hasn't been born yet, you've decided you're flying and you've already wanted to book a vacation at the destination for a few more months, is it possible to purchase a plane ticket for an unborn baby? And does he even have to have a passport?

You can purchase a plane ticket for a baby before a passport is issued and before he is even born, as long as the name that appears on the plane ticket matches the name that will appear on the passport.

Which leads us to answer number 2 - yes, a baby must have a passport when he crawls onto the plane and yes, he must have a plane ticket - even if he doesn't pay!

Is it a baby, toddler or child?

So as far as the airline is concerned there is a difference and there are different conditions depending on the age of the "offspring", what does each of the ages mean and what are the conditions you will receive? (at least according to Elel).

How do you put an elephant in a bag?

So how can you pack everything the little baby needs during the flight? Well, at first we thought of renting a private plane with all the items, then, we thought of importing it with a container by sea. But in the end - we decided to stick to a list of equipment, which organizes the bag and the head, so what will we put in the bag?

  • Diapers, wipes and everything in between
  • Pacifiers and bottles
  • Portions of pumped milk, milk or prepared food
  • Medicines (just in case)
  • Tetra, games and relaxing things
  • A change of clothes

Let's play a game, you seem to ask and we answer:

Well, we've got a quick Q&A with information that's worth its weight in gold for any parent, so let us throw it all at you and only take what you need, okay?

Is it allowed to board the plane with breast milk?


Is it possible to bring boiling water onto the plane?

No! You can get warm water from the flight attendants.

Can I take a stroller on the plane?


Is it allowed to bring frozen milk or frozen food?

Yes! Up to 100 ml of frozen milk, in relation to food - if it is for the flight only - is allowed. When entering the country, you need to find out with the destination whether food is allowed

Does a baby pay for a plane ticket?

The airlines consider the financial situation of the baby and because he is young and unemployed. Usually the flight ticket will be free or at a nominal cost of up to 10% of the original ticket price.

Does a baby need travel insurance abroad?

Yes, good that you asked! Through Gooday you can make a price comparison for travel insurance abroad, obviously also for a baby.

So where's the catch? on takeoffs and landings

  • Is it true that you have such a strong pressure in your ears during landing? Afraid during the appearance? So think like this - only much more so with a baby. Here are three tips that will help you, help them.
  • Breastfeeding - Of course if the baby is still breastfeeding and the mother is there next to him, then yes, breastfeeding helps a lot with the pressure in the ears and the strange feeling he feels during landing or takeoff. If it is the father next to him, or the child is not breastfed - you can give him a bottle with water or juice, it will also help.
  • There is an old Chinese proverb that says, if the baby is sleeping, don't wake him up - so this also applies to landings and takeoffs, just don't.

Let's summarize the event:

So it's true, flying with a baby is not that easy, it's even difficult and yes! It has to be said! But, what do Israelis like the most? free. And this is where the great dissonance actually arose. A plane ticket for a baby is given to you in most cases for free, so why not take it? Just for fun.. Go ahead, fly and have fun with the baby and don't forget to take pictures of everything, because the toddler will surely not remember.

The article was co-authored by Gooday