Persist with the same form and win NIS 15 million

Persistence pays off as man wins NIS 15 million in lottery after sticking with same form for multiple draws despite initial losses.

  (photo credit: PR)
(photo credit: PR)

The couple, in their 40s, living in one of the northern settlements, shared with the lottery officials: "At the beginning of the month, I purchased a lottery ticket, with random numbers that the lottery machine chose for me at a cost of  NIS 30. In the same lottery, the ticket won NIS 230 . I saw that Good, and I decided to continue sending the same form in the next lottery as well."

And so, for two raffles, the form did not yield any winnings, but the winner persevered and continued to send it.

"The lottery took place on Thursday evening. My wife was out of the house, and because there was a soccer match between Spain and Italy, I was left alone to watch the game. After the game ended, I remembered that there was a lottery and entered the lottery app to scan the form. I had no expectations or thoughts at all That's why the surprise was real - the app informed me that I had won no less than NIS 15 million !

I immediately called my wife, apparently because she was in a crowded place, the reception probably dropped and the call was not available. I sent her a WhatsApp message: "Get back to me urgently!".

Indeed, after a few minutes, the winner's wife contacted the winner. "I didn't understand what happened," said the woman. "I made a video call to my husband, to see with my own eyes that he was fine, without even understanding what happened. I still didn't understand. I couldn't even hear what he was saying because of the noise around me."

And the winner continued: "Thus twice she made a video call, surrounded by lots of people and noise. At the end I wrote to her: 'Come home quickly, together with your parents!'. I am very close to my wife's parents and it was really important to me that they together with my wife hear the good news .

An hour passed and the winner's wife arrived home with her parents, who still had no idea what happened and why they were invited on such short notice. "When they entered the house, without many words, I approached my wife's father. I handed him my lottery form that I had in my hand and asked him to check it. He opened the app and pretty quickly realized that he was holding a form worth millions in his hand."

The winner's wife added: "He was so shocked that he almost tripped." The winner continued: "At this point I was already more supervised and told everyone: 'Let's breathe! Let's stay in our modesty and above all who we are. Life and health come first!'"

The winners already have plans for what they will do with the winning money. "Already that evening, after we relaxed and raised a toast, we decided that we would continue our lives as usual. We are both employed, working at jobs we love. We will help our parents and siblings, we will take care of our children's future and we will save most of the money. Our family deals a lot with giving and we believe that whoever gives gets something back. "

About an hour later, the lucky winner of the Lottery Lottery (22/6/2024), who also won the first prize in the Lottery in the amount of NIS 5 million, arrived at the Lottery House. The winner was very excited and noted that it will take him time to digest the news and think about what he will do with his money the win.