Impact of design on children's sleep quality: Tips from sleep consultant

Design can impact children's sleep quality. Expert Merav Navon Ben Ami explains how room conditions and furniture arrangement can affect a toddler's ability to fall asleep and stay asleep.

  (photo credit: Maor Moyal)
(photo credit: Maor Moyal)

The baby has emerged into the world and the excited parents have finished designing a pampering children's room for him. Only then they discover to their surprise that the toddler does not fall asleep and the nights become particularly exhausting. Few people know that the reason for this often lies in the conditions of the room or in the incorrect arrangement of the furniture and objects placed in it. The good news is that if you know the cause of the disorder, you can find a solution. Here are several effective ways, easy to implement, that do not require an extraordinary investment, in which you can use the design of the room, and enjoy calm nights instead of 'white nights'.

  (credit: Maor Moyal)
(credit: Maor Moyal)

1. Position of the bed in the room.

The bed is the space where the baby should feel the safest and most relaxed. That is why the location of the bed between four walls has the most decisive weight. An exterior wall can dramatically change the temperature around it without us noticing. It is recommended not to place the bed next to an external wall that absorbs heat in the summer and cold and moisture in the winter. A baby who is too hot or too cold will have trouble falling asleep and sleeping peacefully throughout the night. Install a thermometer near the baby's bed and adjust the room to a temperature of 24 degrees Celsius. 

 2. Mirrors and windows.

Placing the bed near a window may arouse the baby's curiosity about what is going on behind him and make it difficult for him to concentrate on calming down and falling asleep. A mirror is also an accessory that distorts the sense of space in the room and may cause the baby to show excessive interest in his reflection through it. For example, a mother who reported that her baby was having trouble sleeping, did not think for a moment that her bed next to a closet door with a large mirror on it, could be the root of the problem. The baby played for hours with the imitation "friend" she met in the mirror, and the excitement caused a rush of adrenaline that made it difficult for her to fall asleep. In addition, it is important to note that placing a bed next to a window or a large mirror may pose a safety hazard for fear of the mirror shattering or the toddler climbing into the window. Therefore, keep the baby's bed away from the window and try to remove the mirrors from the baby's room. 

3. Air conditioning.

In summer or winter, when you turn on the air conditioning in the children's room, make sure that the baby's bed is not located in front of the ventilation openings. It is better to place the bed under the air conditioner and not in front of it, so that the temperature is regulated and the baby does not get cold or overheated. A room temperature of 24 degrees must be observed. A temperature that is too hot can cause excessive sweating and irritability during sleep, and is even suspected of being a risk factor for cot death. On the other hand, too cool a temperature can cause a cold, especially in babies or toddlers who find it difficult to stay covered, extreme cold conditions can lead to hypothermia. It should be remembered that babies up to the age of 3 months are not able to regulate their body temperature as optimally as adults, so parents must be alert to the climate conditions in the room. 

4. Ceiling fan.

Ceiling fans are Elia and Thorn. On the one hand, it is a relatively gentle means of cooling that may provide a pleasant feeling of a gentle breeze suitable for sleep, but on the other hand, the ticking emanating from it creates the habit of sleeping in "white noise". Babies and children who are used to sleeping with "white noise" in the background form incorrect sleeping habits as children, and later as adults. something that affects the quality of their sleep. In contrast, natural noise of an environmental occurrence is something we would like to get the baby used to sleeping next to. That is, the recommendation is not to silence the house during anesthesia, but it is recommended not to accustom the baby to monotonous noises.

5. Night lamp.

A night lamp is an indispensable accessory in a children's room. However, it should be noted that the recommended night lamp is one that emits a dim and soft natural light, which encourages sleep and does not harm the production of the sleep hormone during the night. In recent years, many parents decorate the children's rooms with flashing lamps that emit light in different colors, or shining stars on the ceiling, with the aim of introducing an element of fun to bedtime, without noticing that the excitement or curiosity makes it difficult to fall asleep.

  (credit: Merav Navon Ben Ami)
(credit: Merav Navon Ben Ami)

6. Color selection.

Many studies point to the connection between the effect of a certain color and mood. Choosing the right color for the walls of the room can create peace and calm, while the wrong choice can achieve the opposite result. Therefore, it is recommended to choose bright, relaxing and pleasant colors - such as pastel colors (light blue, beige and light green).

7. Wall decorations.

There is nothing more joyful than colorful and happy cute children's drawings, decorating the walls of the room. Every parent dreams of the moment when they stick Mickey Mouse or Winnie the Pooh on the wall. But the truth is that a load of colorful wall decorations can attract the baby's attention and make him stay awake for long hours while you already fall off your feet. Therefore, look for delicate and soft wall decorations and place them in a place that is not close to the baby's bed.

8. Electronic devices.

Many electronic devices emit radiation and harmful blue lights, which we do not want to expose the little ones to, so it is recommended to minimize their presence in the children's room. It takes about two hours for the human brain to "cleanse" itself from the effects of exposure to the light of the screens, and begin to converge into a state of restful sleep. Therefore, it is advisable to keep devices such as televisions and tablets away from children's rooms, to allow their brains to naturally produce the sleep hormones that are important for growth and development.

9. Excess toys and stimuli.

Flooding the children's room with toys and dolls may make it difficult for the toddler to relax in a highly stimulating environment. Overload can cause restlessness and sometimes anxiety. Many children see shadows in the dark and tend to think that these are monsters or human figures looking at them through the darkness. Therefore, place the fur dolls in a place where there will be no shadow. The same goes for toys that the child does not need - place them in the living room or playroom and create a neutral and relaxing atmosphere in the bedroom.

10. Mobile.

A mobile can be a nice and interesting pastime in bed until the age of 4 months. Beyond that, it is a factor that disturbs sleep and should be moved to the playpen or any other place where the baby spends time and plays, with the exception of the bed. It is important to understand that a bed is a place where you sleep, it is not a place to play or stay as a kind of "babysitter".

The author is a sleep consultant, founder and owner of "Mirav Sheva - Sleep Consultant"