CEO of Iverse: Start-ups post 7.10 fighting for survival

Shira Septer, speaking for 27 Google-backed AI ventures, highlights the challenges faced during a time of social unrest but sees potential for the emergence of the next unicorns in the industry.

  (photo credit: PR)
(photo credit: PR)

27 start-ups in the field of artificial intelligence gathered at the Google offices, for an event in their honor, initiated by the technology giant. These are the ventures chosen by Google to support a fund established to promote AI in Israel worth NIS 4 million. In addition to the financial support, Google will support the companies through access to the company's experts in various fields. 

"If running a company is difficult in war, then a startup is even more so. You have to continue development in war conditions, when the world stops and the staff is missing. But we overcame, succeeded and registered two patents, even though our algorithmic team was recruited," said the entrepreneur Shira Septer in a speech she gave on behalf of the startups that Google chose. 

Septer founded and manages Iverse, a start-up specializing in the application of artificial intelligence solutions to the human resources market. The company's product is a new system to improve recruitment and selection processes. The system, based on AI, was built and trained on the basis of thousands of screening interviews of candidates with occupational psychologists in hundreds of jobs from dozens of organizations in various sectors. The knowledge embedded in her allows her to analyze job candidates at the level of a human occupational psychologist during a video interview in natural, simple and clear language. 

The system allows for a personal and accurate analysis of each candidate, and at the end of each interview provides a comprehensive report on the candidates, and ranks them according to their suitability for the position and potential for success in the organization. In recent pilots, the system demonstrated exceptional accuracy and suitability results. 

"The whole country, and we too, left everything and checked where we were needed. I, personally, went down to the Dead Sea to help with an amazing project of the Zichron 710 association to save all the WhatsApp messages, which will be evidence and will not be deleted. Only later did we worry about the company, but this crisis actually made us grow We learned that we are capable, that there is nothing we cannot do alone, "said Septer about the assistance of the big investor - Filat. 

Together with Septer, the partners in the project are Prof. Oded Maimon, one of the first researchers in the field of artificial intelligence in Israeli academia, and Zohar Maimon, the owner and chairman of the Filat Group, the leader and veteran in the world of work and employee recruitment in Israel. 

"Google's support is an important part. Yes, the financial grant is nice, and it's always good to receive money, but the point here is the recognition. Being one of 27 companies that Google chooses, as pioneering companies in the field of AI, is a seal of approval for our activity. We look Looking forward to the follow-up, opening doors and connections that will allow us to add to the world, and become the next unicorn."