Exciting testimonies about the innovative cancer treatment

Discover the revolution in CLL treatment: Dr. Evelyn Shabad and Carol Gilad share insights on follow-up, short-term treatment, and surprising results without major side effects.

 The story of Dr. Shabad and Carol highlights the impressive progress in the treatment of CLL and offers real hope to patients and their families (photo credit: SHUTTERSTOCK)
The story of Dr. Shabad and Carol highlights the impressive progress in the treatment of CLL and offers real hope to patients and their families
(photo credit: SHUTTERSTOCK)

Chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) is the most common leukemia of its kind in the Western world, with about 500 new cases diagnosed every year in Israel. Although it mainly affects adults, medical advances in recent years offer new hope and an improved quality of life to patients.

Dr. Evelyn Shabad, a senior physician at the hemato-oncology institute at Carmel Hospital in Haifa, and Carol Gilad, a patient who was diagnosed with CLL over two decades ago, came to the Walla Studio to talk about the subject in detail. The two share fascinating insights about the disease, the innovative treatments, and the special relationship between a doctor to the patient.

Dr. Shabad explains that CLL is characterized by an increase in white blood cells, and is sometimes accompanied by symptoms such as weakness, night sweats, and weight loss. The diagnosis is made through advanced blood tests, which allow accurate identification of the problematic cells.

CLL treatment has undergone a revolution in recent years. Dr. Shabad describes the transition from combined treatments of chemotherapy and immunotherapy to advanced biological treatments. "Today we can offer time-limited treatment, which lasts from one to one year and three months, combining two types of immunological treatments," she explains.

 characterized by an increase in white blood cells. CLL (credit: SHUTTERSTOCK)
characterized by an increase in white blood cells. CLL (credit: SHUTTERSTOCK)

The results are impressive: "Most patients enter a complete remission that can last for many years"

Carol Gilad provides an exciting personal perspective. She was diagnosed with CLL at the age of 54, and for more than a decade she was monitored without active treatment. About two years ago, she started the innovative treatment. "I went through the treatment great," she shares. "There were almost no side effects, and I continued to work as usual. Today, all my tests are completely normal."

Carol describes the staff at the Carmel Hospital as "amazing", and notes the special relationship that has formed between her and Dr. Shabad over the years. Dr. Shabad sums up optimistically: "The new treatments are really very good. I have patients who feel as if they were reborn, alive their lives in control and freedom."

The story of Dr. Shabad and Carol highlights the impressive progress in the treatment of CLL and offers real hope to patients and their families. It is a living testimony to the power of modern medicine and the importance of the human connection in the healing process. Watch the full interview for more insights on CLL and the innovative treatments that change the lives of patients.

Served as a public service sponsored by AbbVie