Flight canceled again? New service helps you get a refund

Frequent flight cancellations and delays can be a hassle. A new helpline at the Academic Center for Law and Business aims to help you claim your rights.

 Purchasing a flight ticket (photo credit: INGIMAGE)
Purchasing a flight ticket
(photo credit: INGIMAGE)

We are in the peak of the travel season, and the internet is flooded with complaints from people whose flights, which they had saved for months, were delayed or canceled. Indeed, passengers often encounter issues with both local and international airlines. Cancellations, delays, and the closure of destinations to Israelis have become routine, especially amid recent crises. Despite aviation service laws defining our rights as consumers, many ticket buyers find themselves in prolonged dealings with airlines, which are equipped with extensive legal teams that find ways to evade refunds. Consumers, lacking legal tools and knowledge, often end up losing out or not receiving their full rights.

The Academic Center for Law and Business has established the Aviation Law Clinic - the first of its kind. This clinic is dedicated to addressing consumer complaints in the aviation sector and providing legal assistance to help them realize their rights.

The clinic, led by attorneys Keren Shemesh-Perlmutter and Liat Galili-Perl, operates with a team of students under close supervision. The public is invited to contact the clinic via a telephone line, describe their case, and receive legal assistance in claiming their rights. The service is free of charge. Additionally, the clinic team will hold a series of public lectures on aviation rights and publish a position paper for decision-makers to address issues not covered by current law.

Attorney Liat Galili-Perl, head of the Aviation Law Clinic at the Academic Center for Law and Business, stated: "The aviation industry is one of the sectors where consumers suffer extensive and ongoing harm. Consumers are often unaware of their rights and unable to stand against the airlines' operations without a comprehensive body to provide answers and deal with local and international airlines. Despite existing laws, airlines do not always fulfill their obligations, and there are gray areas that the law does not address."

Attorney Galili-Perl added, "The decision to establish the clinic stems from a genuine need we identified, which intensified due to the war and the exit of some airlines from Israel. Through the clinic's activities, we will provide legal assistance to those in need, characterize the extent and nature of the harm, and work towards formulating legislation and regulation in the field to prevent further harm to consumers."

For assistance, contact the helpline at the Academic Center for Law and Business.