Greentech 2024 Conference: Green Horizon, importance of green energy

Former Eilot CEO estimates global green hydrogen market to hit $450B by 2030. Bennett to lead hydrogen session at Greentech 2024 in Jerusalem.

 Dorit Bennett and Rotem Arad  (photo credit: Maariv Online)
Dorit Bennett and Rotem Arad
(photo credit: Maariv Online)

Last week, the Knesset's finance committee approved the carbon tax decree, which will increase the prices of fuels not intended for transportation, in a phased manner until 2030. Dorit Bennett, the founder and former CEO of the Eilat eilot company, estimates that the new decree will help the country and the economy: "The carbon tax which was approved last week by the finance committee will accelerate the country's transition to green energy. The tax will encourage companies to switch to clean fuels.

In Europe, from 2025, a graduated carbon tax is already being imposed on the import of products such as fertilizers, iron, cement industries and more. These taxes in Israel and around the world gradually increase every year. Starting in 2025, the state will give grants to industries to make the transition to clean fuels, carbon capture and energy efficiency. Developers and entrepreneurs looking for the next big thing in the world of technology should check out the field with the greatest global potential. This is the time for the industry to learn, invest in pilots and innovation to be ready for the transition. It is important to note that hydrogen is still expensive and the market depends on technological development and demand."

Bennett will moderate the hydrogen session at the Greentech 2024 New Horizon Conference and exhibition, which will take place starting tomorrow (September 17-18 at the Nation Buildings in Jerusalem). The session is expected to be one of the central points of interest of the conference. Hydrogen is one of the leading alternatives in the field of future clean fuels.

The hydrogen session will present Israel's need to start studying and implementing on a small scale the entire value chain of green hydrogen, so that it can become a significant technological player in the world. This knowledge will make it possible to produce green hydrogen and use it in about a decade, when prices have dropped, and will provide a response to areas that currently have no other clean response. Also, the country will know how to transport hydrogen from Arab countries to Europe in accordance with a European strategy for importing hydrogen from Arab countries and North Africa.

The session will be attended by Michael Koplik - founder and technological director of the Naki company, Yair Korenblit - founder and CEO of the Maygia company for the production of oil from marshes, Assaf Sayada - CEO of Hydro X, which develops liquid for hydrogen storage, Meshi Lax - director of innovation and policy, strategy department , Ministry of Energy, Jonathan Floersheim - Energy Coordinator, Budget Division of the Ministry of Finance and other senior officials. 

The green hydrogen market is expected to reach a financial volume of up to $450 billion in 2030 and a volume of $850 billion in 2050 (according to an examination of the electrolyzer order market). This enormous scope reflects the decision of the Western world to switch to the use of green hydrogen to prevent global warming and reduce the use of polluting fuels while continuing economic activity.

This approach motivates diverse international decisions, among them: Carbon taxes, fines and economic mechanisms that encourage the creation of partnerships, investment in research and development and the establishment of demonstration centers at different scales of the entire value chain from the production of clean hydrogen, its treatment, storage, transportation by sea and land and dozens of other uses in the modern world: Industry, production of ammonia, heat, steam, fuel cells and more. Hydrogen has the potential to replace polluting fuels with clean fuels in areas such as heavy transportation, industry, trains, long-term energy storage and, of course, clean electricity generation.

The large companies that will present at the conference along with about 22 start-up companies in the field of hydrogen and carbon capture in Israel are in various stages of development of their solutions in several areas of the right value chain: Production, various types of storage, refueling and end consumer uses. Among the significant industrial companies interested in investing in and promoting the field, we can mention: ICL, Dead Sea Enterprises, Sonol Company, Taavura Company, Blilious Company, and ingl, which may lead Israel to the future of a zero-carbon economy in 2050 and perhaps even before.

Rotem Arad, business development manager at H2PRO: "Israel, known as a powerhouse of innovation, is once again proving its groundbreaking capabilities - this time in the field of clean hydrogen. Just as we led revolutions in cyber and high-tech, so Israeli startups place us at the forefront of global clean energy solutions. Our geographic location and our technological capabilities Give Israel the potential to become a central hub for regional and international cooperation in the field. These developments not only reduce dependence on polluting fuels, but also strengthen our position as a key player in the global fight against climate change, while strengthening economic and strategic ties around the world."

The Greentech 2024 conference Green Horizon will present the critical importance of green energy for the future of humanity and the future of Israel and the economic and technological opportunities inherent in it. The lectures and sessions will reveal an up-to-date picture of the production of green energy using various methods such as wind, solar, sea waves and more, technologies for energy saving and optimal energy management, energy storage and transfer, technologies for planning, management and control of distributed energy sites and a long list of other topics. As part of the conference, there will be an exhibition where startups will present new technologies that change the rules of the game in the fields of green energy.

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The two chairmen of the conference are: Dr. Moshe Zilberman, head of the Green Energy Center at Azrieli College of Engineering, Jerusalem, and Amos Lasker, CEO of the EnergyCom Community and formerly CEO of the Electric Company.