Helen Doron English to be integrated into Israeli school curriculum

Helen Doron wins Ministry of Education tender, adding its English program to school timetables as part of the Gefen program, enhancing English proficiency for grades 1

 Helen Doron English to be integrated into Israeli school curriculum (photo credit: PR)
Helen Doron English to be integrated into Israeli school curriculum
(photo credit: PR)

The Israeli bilingual education company, Helen Doron, which specializes in teaching children and teenagers, has won a tender from the Ministry of Education. As a result, its English program will be integrated into school schedules as part of the Ministry's Gafen program. This program grants school administrations the option to include Helen Doron English lessons as part of the official curriculum, enhancing English studies alongside existing English classes.

Under the Gafen program, Helen Doron's English lessons are designed for students in grades 1 through 7. The lessons are delivered in an engaging way, incorporating movement, songs, games, and fun activities that build children's confidence in speaking a foreign language. The classes are taught by certified Helen Doron instructors.

According to Helen Doron, the company's CEO and founder, "Integrating English enrichment into the weekly school schedule will allow every child to excel in such an essential core subject. This is the best gift one can receive – mastering English as a native language naturally and effortlessly, just as every child learns their mother tongue at home. Our educational programs are specifically tailored for classes of up to 30 students and have been successfully implemented in various schools across the country."

 Helen Doron (credit: PR)
Helen Doron (credit: PR)

The Helen Doron teaching method is based on children's natural ability to learn new languages and is presented through interactive English lessons filled with music, games, stories, and a wide range of carefully planned educational activities for each age group. The result? Children learn English easily and naturally, just as they learn their mother tongue.

Beyond language acquisition, Helen Doron classes also instill values such as interpersonal relationships, environmental conservation, love for animals, and nature preservation. The lessons also cover current topics for teenagers, including debates and the use of internet radio. The company operates TeenBuzz Radio, a 24/7 English-language radio station available as an app, designed to improve and practice English for teenagers. The radio station features live broadcasts, interviews with stars and influencers, and music by the hottest artists worldwide.

Helen Doron English lessons are available at over 80 learning centers across Israel, from north to south, including Karmiel, Rama, Acre, I'billin, Tiberias, Kiryat Motzkin, Haifa, Yokneam, Nazareth, Nof HaGalil, Afula, and the Jezreel Valley, Migdal HaEmek, Shefa-'Amr, Umm al-Fahm, Tayibe, Ra'anana, Kfar Saba, Kiryat Ono, Ramat Gan, Hod Hasharon, Beersheba, and Rahat. Additionally, the company operates in many Arab sector towns and villages, kibbutzim, and moshavim throughout the country.