How loan consolidation saved us? Israel Finance customer testimonials

The economic situation in Israel is becoming more and more complex. The cost of living continues to rise, which leads many Israelis to use loans to finance various needs in their lives.

 How did loan consolidation save us? Customer testimonials of Israel Finance Solutions (photo credit: PR)
How did loan consolidation save us? Customer testimonials of Israel Finance Solutions
(photo credit: PR)

The article was written in collaboration with Israel Finance

Often, people take out loans beyond their ability to repay, thus creating a situation of a never-ending cycle of loans. People find themselves taking out new loans just to pay off existing loans, and the debts quickly pile up to the point where they are difficult to manage. For many, loan consolidation is a simple and effective solution for dealing with debts and achieving renewed financial order.

The Israel Finance company has thousands of satisfied customers who have already managed to get out of a complicated financial situation, and are quick to recommend and share their personal story. We went to check what it was about.

Israel Finance is the leading company in Israel in the field of loan consolidation, and it has a clear goal - to make it easier for families and individuals who are in financial distress and are looking for a way to recover and regain control over their financial lives. The company was founded out of a vision to provide Israelis with practical tools and professional care if necessary to deal with debts, manage mortgages and loans, and achieve a way of healthy stable economic conduct.

Help turn problems into success stories - stories from the field

Shimon and Rina Biton, a couple aged 50+ 3, Rishon Lezion, have a classic story about the wheel of loans found in households in Israel. "We've been carrying loans since the beginning of our marriage," says Rina. "We got to the point where every 4-5 months we take out another loan in order to make it through the month, and I'm not talking about the months when our two children got married, the engine in the car went out, or the air conditioner in the living room broke down. Every expense of one kind or another was a serious blow to us." Her husband Shimon adds, "We didn't understand at all what was happening to us in terms of the household. We are dragging another month and another month and not getting out of this carousel, until we got to Israel Finance, and only then did we realize that there is another way." 

Financial Solutions for Israel rescued us from a situation of 11 loans that we took from every possible body in the country, they arranged for us to receive one large loan, one could say on the order of a small mortgage, which covered all of our loans. They arranged long-term payments for us and further reduced the interest rate by 4%, the monthly repayment instead of 13,000 NIS became 4850 NIS. Our consultant is very professional and is really there for us for anything and everything. We received training on financial conduct and tools to apply in the future, and for that we say thank you every day, thank God after 20 years suddenly there is money left in the bank at the end of the month."

 How did loan consolidation save us? Customer testimonials of Israel Finance Solutions (credit: PR)
How did loan consolidation save us? Customer testimonials of Israel Finance Solutions (credit: PR)

Ronit and Amos, parents of three children and grandparents of 5 grandchildren, also felt that they were falling through the cracks precisely at the stage when they were supposed to enjoy a respite in their lives. "After years of hard work, we simply could not handle the repayments of the mortgage and the loans we took," says Ronit. "Each time there was a different need and the loans piled up one on top of the other, it created tensions at home, every argument became a financial matter."

They tried to contact different parties but always came back to the same point - that they have no real solution. "When we approached Israel Finance, we thought we would get more general advice, but they really managed to get us out of the situation," explains Amos. "They helped us consolidate all the loans into one monthly repayment, and in addition they took care of us for a mortgage cycle which made it significantly easier for us. It just saved us.” Today, Ronit and Amos feel that life is back on track. "Peace returned to the house. We can have conversations without worrying about money all the time. We feel that our future, and that of our family, is much clearer and safer now."

"Let's start with the fact that many cases can be solved by consolidating loans"

On behalf of the company, they explain to us the first thing about loan consolidation. "This is a process in which all of a person's existing loans are combined into one loan with a fixed and concentrated monthly repayment. Instead of dealing with several loans with different interest rates and payments, the debt is consolidated into one loan that is often given at a lower interest rate and on more favorable terms. In this way, financial order is created and the mental burden is reduced and the economic

Loan consolidation is suitable for anyone who has several loans from different sources - banks, credit companies, or non-bank entities, and has difficulty managing their monthly repayments. Even if you are not in a financial emergency, loan consolidation can help people who want to ease themselves in debt management, reduce the number of payments and reduce the associated costs. Especially in situations where the repayments are out of control and the expenses are only increasing, loan consolidation can be the right solution that will put people back on the right financial track."

How did loan consolidation save us? Customer testimonials of Israel Finance Solutions (credit: PR)
How did loan consolidation save us? Customer testimonials of Israel Finance Solutions (credit: PR)

Life with debts - "In Israel there is a tendency not to give up anything and to disperse"

"Many Israelis find themselves in a cycle of debt for various reasons. Life in Israel is not cheap - the high costs of all areas of life are catalysts for people to use loans. But what happens, when the debts begin to accumulate, each additional loan only burdens the monthly income and increases the financial pressure Often, people are forced to take out an additional loan to pay off existing debts, which leads to an unbearable burden and lack of control over the financial situation. When debts accumulate and are not properly managed, this leads to severe mental and physical stress.

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The stress surrounding finances, the inability to meet payments, and the high interest rates make people experience a sense of financial failure. The result is that many simply do not have enough monthly income to meet all the repayments. In more difficult cases, the debtors are forced to deal with financial sanctions, damage to the credit rating and other restrictions that further complicate economic conduct."

The loan consolidation procedure actually offers a convenient and clear way to manage debts in an orderly manner. Instead of dealing with several payments to different entities, the loan consolidation consolidates all repayments into one loan. The result is one clear and defined repayment, usually at a lower interest rate than that paid on the previous loans. In this way, not only are the debts easier to manage, but the monthly repayment is reduced and more adapted to the customer's financial capacity. The process helps customers regain control of their financial situation and prevent the further accumulation of debts.

Meet Israel Finance

At Israel Finance we offer advanced financial consulting services, including treatment of loan consolidation in order to create one concentrated loan with one monthly repayment, which is convenient and more profitable, which allows customers to get out of the cycle of debt and control their expenses in a more organized and clear way. The service is especially suitable for people with several high-interest loans who want to make it easier for themselves and avoid repayment arrears.

The company also specializes in handling mortgage turnover, for customers who have mortgages that do not fit their current situation. This process allows customers to improve the terms of the mortgage, reduce the interest rates and save money over time.

Another important service is professional advice for apartment buyers, both for a first mortgage and for existing mortgages that require improvement. The company's skilled team performs personalized financial planning to ensure that clients receive the best terms in the market.

In addition, Israel Finance specializes in helping people who have been rejected by banks or credit companies and offers unique solutions that suit their situation. The company works with various financial entities in order to provide its customers with the opportunity to receive a loan under fair and convenient conditions as possible, even in complex situations. In short, if you need guidance and care to sort out your financial situation, however complex it may be - they are the address.