Israeli pride in Paris: Cust2Mate launches advanced smart shopping cart

Alongside Olympic achievements, Israeli company Cust2Mate makes strides in retail tech with the launch of its innovative smart shopping carts in Paris.

 Cust2Mate's advanced smart shopping cart (photo credit: PR)
Cust2Mate's advanced smart shopping cart
(photo credit: PR)

Cust2Mate’s smart carts were introduced alongside the Olympic events, bringing additional Israeli pride alongside sporting achievements and medals. The launch took place at one of France's largest retail chains, Franprix, which operates over 600 branches across the country.

In addition to the carts launched in a branch in Paris’s 17th arrondissement in recent days, Cust2Mate is expected to supply more smart carts to Paris and other global locations soon. The supply of these smart carts to Franprix is part of an agreement with IR2S, a leading integrator of advanced retail technologies, which includes the provision of approximately 30,000 smart carts over the next three years.

Market surveys show that most consumers prefer to shop in stores that allow for self-checkout without passing through traditional cashier counters. As a result, the smart cart market is growing by tens of percentage points annually and is expected to reach around $9 billion by 2030.

 Cust2Mate's advanced smart shopping cart (credit: PR)
Cust2Mate's advanced smart shopping cart (credit: PR)

Shopping Experience Enhanced by TechnologyCust2Mate A2Z's smart cart is a technological platform that eliminates the need to pass through checkout lines. It enables interaction with customers from the moment they enter the store until the completion of their shopping, including support for decisions during the purchase process, highlighting both additional products and special promotions. The large screen installed on the cart allows for targeted advertising to increase the shopping basket size, recommend deals, explain different products, and connect the digital and physical shopping experiences.

The carts that were introduced to Franprix are the latest 3.0 generation models, which were recently launched and have already won the Best Smart Cart Award for 2024 at the RetailTech Breakthrough Awards. This international competition, held annually, evaluates technological developments related to the retail world.

"The excitement and positive feedback we received from our customers who tried the Cust2Mate smart cart demonstrate how new technologies are improving the shopping experience," said Taher Ben Abdelkader, manager of the Franprix branch in the 17th arrondissement of Paris. "We are proud to be the first in France to operate these innovative Cust2Mate carts, and with them, revolutionize the retail industry."

 Marc Dahan, CEO of IR2S (credit: PR)
Marc Dahan, CEO of IR2S (credit: PR)

"A Significant Leap in Retail Innovation""We are excited to advance our partnership with Cust2Mate A2Z with the launch of the carts at Franprix," emphasizes Marc Dahan, CEO of IR2S. "Cust2Mate's 3.0 generation cart represents a significant leap in retail innovation, not only aligning with our vision for advancements in the sector but also setting a new standard for the entire industry across France."

"We are proud to see our carts improving the shopping experience and operations in a leading chain like Franprix," said Gadi Graus, CEO of A2Z Cust2Mate. "Our partnership with IR2S and Franprix is key to our success and is part of our business strategy to expand our operations in France and globally. The launch at the 17th arrondissement branch in Paris marks another milestone in our commitment to continue promoting solutions through Cust2Mate's advanced technologies for both consumers and retailers."