Japan adopts Israeli innovation for air purification and filtration

After successful registration in the US and other countries, Israeli company DUSMIT has completed the registration of its innovative air purification patent in Japan.

 DUSMIT  (photo credit: PR)
(photo credit: PR)

According to the World Health Organization, approximately 3.2 million deaths per year are attributed to indoor air pollution, which leads to diseases such as stroke, heart disease, and lung conditions. Air pollution in enclosed environments, such as offices, factories, and commercial centers, can be lethal, and the Israeli innovation offers a groundbreaking solution.

Ofer Niddam, an Israeli entrepreneur and engineer who suffered for years from respiratory issues due to allergens like dust mites, decided to tackle the problem personally. In collaboration with other experts, Niddam developed DUSMIT's air purification system. The company's clear goal is to improve air quality in enclosed environments and make the air we breathe healthier through innovative and sustainable technology.

The system is suitable for use in various settings, including shopping centers, factories, transportation hubs, and manufacturing plants in different industries. It features advanced sensors that detect harmful particles known to pose health risks, such as those causing lung diseases and cancer. Additionally, it identifies other contaminants like mold, bacteria, and allergens, neutralizing them at the molecular level and preventing their accumulation. Unlike other systems on the market, DUSMIT’s system does not emit toxic substances or radiation, such as UV, hydroxyl, or hydrogen peroxide. It is also energy-efficient and requires minimal maintenance. The system's effectiveness has been tested and proven in independent lab tests, successfully eliminating 100% of Bacillus bacteria, one of the most resistant bacteria that cause food poisoning.

The system is available in various configurations, tailored to different environments, including integration with air conditioning systems and setups for laboratories and clean rooms. Additionally, DUSMIT's app allows users to continuously monitor air quality, control the system, and adjust activity levels according to needs.

DUSMIT’s innovative development has received international recognition, with its unique patent now registered in Japan following a rigorous process at the Japanese Patent Office. The patent has also been registered in other countries, including the US, China, Israel, Hong Kong, South Africa, and Australia. This breakthrough enables the company to expand its activities in the Japanese market and deepen collaborations with local companies, emphasizing innovation and sustainability.

Ofer Niddam, founder of DUSMIT, stated, "The registration of our patent in Japan is a significant step for us, reflecting our commitment to continuing to lead in green technologies globally. We look forward to further collaboration with the Japanese market and deepening our activities in the country. DUSMIT's development is yet another testament to the local industry's ability to create creative and effective solutions that promote environmental quality and global sustainability."