Lumana's AI security revolution: Smart cameras detecting threats

The start-up Lumana, which recently raised $24 million, this week launched the technology that makes the security cameras smart and allows different threats to be detected in real time.

 Sagi Ben Moshe (photo credit: Private album)
Sagi Ben Moshe
(photo credit: Private album)

Lumana has developed a software platform that enables image processing for simple security cameras and making them smart using artificial intelligence. The result: The ability to identify emergencies and threats in real time and the ability to alert, within seconds, about cases of violence, sabotage, vandalism and more. This is a system that knows how to manage the event and allows you to connect to the security cameras through remote access, a smartphone app, video sharing, online viewing, real-time image processing, unlimited archiving and more.

The system is an upgrade of a smart camera platform (analytics) and provides perimeter protection by learning from several cameras about an unusual event. The system is able to count people and measure foot traffic, detect strangers entering the defined area, detect vehicles, detect threats and even detect a person not wearing a helmet on a construction site and even a violent incident at school. 

Sagi Ben Moshe, CEO of Lumana, stated that the technology is able to take millions of hours of video in real time across different locations, analyze it and provide a snapshot. "If someone pulled out a gun - the alert pops up straight away," said Ben Moshe.

How is the new system based on artificial intelligence different from the analytics system?

"The royal intelligence in the Lumana system makes it possible to analyze in real time millions of hours of video and learn independently to identify objects and define what is important in a more precise way, thus reducing false alarms. In addition, as of today, the analytical capabilities of cameras have to converge to a certain power consumption and size, therefore there is a limitation in the ability of artificial intelligence that can be run Our solution offers correct and efficient management of the computing power between the endpoints and the cloud and is therefore both cheaper for the customer and can provide performance that was impossible in the past."

What do the criminal organizations and criminals know, in your opinion, about the filmed security world?

"I don't know criminal organizations, but I assume they know that there are people watching the security cameras, but now, in addition to having documentation, it will be possible to react immediately. It's a huge difference, catching the event in real time because the reaction time in such events is critical."  However, Ben Moshe clarifies, the decision of what to do with the information received from the alert is ultimately up to the human factor." 

What would happen, in your opinion, if the system was installed in the surrounding settlements or on the fence?

"I refrain from expressing an opinion on this issue, but assuming that there are hundreds of cameras on the border line and the system is working, then there would be a lot of alerts in less than a second and it would be possible to immediately understand the size of the event, the number of people, where they are, where they went and what the situation is everywhere and at any moment In addition, it is possible to share video in real time and the suspicious locations to any party that needs it, this can undoubtedly help the rescue forces and understand what is happening in each area."

Lumana launched the system this week and for the benefit of marketing in Israel, chose Team 3, led by founder and CEO Nir Gilboa, who founded it 33 years ago. 

 Nir Gilboa  (credit: PR)
Nir Gilboa (credit: PR)

Sagi Ben Moshe: "Choosing Team 3 was natural for us, we invest in this relationship and believe in it, and an important personal connection was created with Nir Gilboa and Avner Ben Aryeh, CEO of the protection company Team 3. Team 3's ability to be a partner of their customers impressed me very much, They choose solutions and care about people. I think Team 3 understands the security needs but at the same time this world is changing and becoming pro active so we can give their customers the technological solution. If an incident happens - the information immediately reaches the operational center of Team 3 and then you get a comprehensive security solution."

Along with Ben Moshe, the chief scientific VP Prof. Ron Kimmel from the Faculty of Computer Science at the Technion, the Chief Technology Officer (CTO) Ofir Mola and the director of the cloud department Idan Sorsky are also in development.

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CEO of Team 3 Group, Nir Gilboa: "Team 3 has been integrating the best technological innovations over the years with the aim of providing the latest security and protection envelope to all of its customers in the public, business and private sectors. I welcome the collaboration with the technology company Lumana, which chose Team 3 to market its new system in Israel. The system is designed to detect various threats and enables a response while shortening significant times, which in some cases even saves lives."