Movie and free buffet: the Planet network offers a new service

New VIP LIGHT concept at PLANET network's Beer Sheva and Zichron Yaakov cinemas: NIS 79.90 for unlimited free buffet and movie in luxurious VIP hall armchairs.

 Planet (photo credit: EYAL TAGER)
(photo credit: EYAL TAGER)

The PLANET network is launching a new concept for the VIP model that has existed in Israel for 20 years, at its premises in Beer Sheva and Zikhron Yaakov.

Starting this month, customers of the cinema will be able to enjoy a movie in the VIP lounge for NIS 79.90.

The price will include: a free cinema buffet that includes unlimited popcorn, drinks and nachos, and watching the movie in the comfortable adjustable armchairs in the VIP hall.  

The new concept should make the premium experience of the well-known VIP complexes accessible to the public. Currently, the ticket for the full experience in the VIP complex, which includes watching a movie, food and drinks, costs NIS 153. 

Inbal Segal, PLANET's marketing director, said: "As the leading cinema chain in Israel, we are always thinking about the next big thing and are attentive to our customers. We recognized that the customers love the perfect VIP entertainment experience, but at the Yaakov Memorial Theater there is a need for a solution that enables The whole family can enjoy the exclusive experience at an accessible price. I hope and believe that the visitors to the cinemas will enjoy the premium experience of VIP LIGHT and invite everyone to come and experience the new concept."

Ticket price for the VIP LIGHT complex at the Zikhron Yaakov and Beer Sheva branches only: price at the box office: 79.90 NIS, price on the website: 84.40.