Personal design to the house: Bamba celebrates 60 with a special project

Celebrating 60 years with a special project - Bamba launches Bamba's store where you can order a personalized snack delivered to your home.

 The new Bamba in a personal design for example (photo credit: PR)
The new Bamba in a personal design for example
(photo credit: PR)

Bamba, the most Israeli and iconic brand that for decades has accompanied Israeli society in the significant moments of life, is launching a first-of-its-kind and unprecedented project in its scope, "The Bamba Store", which allows anyone to order a Bamba in a personal design with a photo and inscription of their choice, and receive it delivered to their home .

The innovative and ground-breaking move is being launched as part of the Bamba brand's 60th birthday celebrations, and in its honor a dedicated website was established, which is going live these days.

In the Bamba store you can choose a design from the variety of templates defined on the site. Each of the patterns is specially designed for the most significant moments in life, including a gift for loved ones on birthdays, bar/bat mitzvah, wedding, recruitment and more. You can then add a personal photo and caption, in a user-friendly interface.

Bamba's personal design move is a significant milestone in the life of the Bamba brand. The snack was launched in 1964 and has since become an Israeli icon and an integral part of the culture.

Over the years, many special editions and different flavors of Bamba have been launched, some of them limited edition and some remaining as a permanent edition on snack shelves such as Bamba Nougat which was launched in honor of the 60th anniversary of the State of Israel, where Bassem decided to fill the Bamba with nougat cream inspired by the IDF custom of dipping the Bamba in chocolate

In 2023, the Bamba visitor center will be opened in Kiryat Gat in order to further strengthen the connection of consumers to the brand. The visitor center allows a glimpse into the production process of the iconic Israeli snack in an innovative interactive experience in the Land of the Bamba.

The Personal Bamba move takes the connection between consumers and Bamba one step further, in order to continue to excite consumers and the crowd of Bamba lovers. A personalized Bamba can upgrade any party and significant event in life, it can be given as a gift to our loved ones or kept as a souvenir of exciting moments.

The personalized Bamba packages will be printed at the Digipack Smart Pack printing factory. The Digipak printing plant is located in the city of Sderot, as well as one of Osam's factories, which suffered a heavy blow in the October 7 attack. The two plants returned to full activity in a short time and are now a symbol of Israeli resilience and entrepreneurial spirit.

Meital Krystal, leader of the digital field in the snack and pastry division at Osem-Nestle: "Bamba is the most iconic and Israeli snack that has won the hearts of consumers and accompanies Israelis in the significant events of life."

"The project, based on the HP Indigo digital printing technology, represents the next generation of the printing industry. This technology enables high-quality, accurate and efficient printing with great flexibility, which allows the Bamba packaging to be designed in a unique and exciting way."

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"The collaboration between Osem and HP Indigo highlights the innovation and advanced technological capabilities of the Israeli industry. Together, they make a significant contribution to the local economy and provide consumers with an unforgettable Bamba experience. We believe that the project will be received with great love and excitement by consumers and will put a big smile on the faces of Israelis Especially at this time."