Preparations for the arrival of a new dog at home

Get ready for your new dog with these tips: Help your furry friend adjust to their new home to have a happy life together filled with love and warmth.

 Preparations for the arrival of a new dog at home (photo credit: SHUTTERSTOCK)
Preparations for the arrival of a new dog at home
(photo credit: SHUTTERSTOCK)

Have you decided to bring a new friend home? What fun! A dog brings joy into the home, lots of love and very quickly becomes the most loyal and loving friend there is. In the same breath, it is important to remember that just as arriving at a new place can be a stressful experience for us, so the first period can be stressful for the dog that has just entered the home. This way you can pass the adjustment period, give the dog a happy life - and get a lot of warmth and love in return. 

Creating an environment adapted to the new dog

One of the ways to prepare for the arrival of the new dog is by choosing the right place for him in the house: The intention is mainly to choose the sleeping and resting area that you designate for your new dog, whether you have decided to take an adult dog or a puppy.

You should choose a free place at home, in an environment where you are most of the time, for example in the living room. You can purchase a special mattress or bed for dogs and place it there along with toys, near the food and water bowl, to give the dog a sense of security and also the possibility of staying with you.

Are there any rooms in the house that you don't want the dog to enter? You should make sure you have a way to close the room, especially if it is a puppy that needs to be trained to defecate outside. Young dogs also tend to take things from around the house and chew on them, so you should make sure that your valuables (even if it's your favorite shoes) are in a safe place. If necessary, you can purchase a suitable fence, with which you can partially close spaces in the house. In some cases it is possible to purchase a training cage - it is recommended to consult a dog trainer for proper use.

Is it important to you that all family members take care of the dog, take it out for a walk, give it water and food at regular times and more? Define the roles in advance and leave some room for flexibility. After all, you still don't really know the new dog and he may surprise you.

Preparation of a designated space outside the house

Do you have a yard or balcony that should be used by the dog part of the time? It is important to equip them with a kennel or a shaded place, a comfortable mattress to lie on, shelter from the rain and of course dishes for water and food. In any case, it is important to remember: Dogs do not like to be left alone, especially not during the first adaptation period. 

Purchase of food and essential accessories

Before arriving, it is important to make sure you have everything you need at home to raise a healthy, happy and relaxed dog. Here are some of the important things:

Dog food - choose food that is suitable for the dog's age, size and health condition. If you are not sure, consult the veterinarian.

Toys - it is important to purchase toys specifically adapted for dogs, those made of durable and strong materials, which create interest and can provide the dog with hours of play and enjoyment.

Bowls for food and water - choose bowls made of durable and strong material, in a size suitable for the dog.

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Collar and leash - will allow you to walk the dog outside, take him out to defecate in a safe and comfortable way and can also be used for training and exercise purposes.

 Preparations for the arrival of a new dog at home  (credit: PEXELS)
Preparations for the arrival of a new dog at home (credit: PEXELS)

Help the dog adapt to the house rules

Every dog, of any breed and of any age, needs to know the rules of the house: What is allowed, what is not allowed, how to behave when guests arrive or when going for a walk, where it is allowed to defecate and more. If this is your first dog and you are not sure how to drive, you can use a dog trainer. In any case, the earlier you accustom the dog to the new rules, the better and faster he will be able to adapt. 

Search for a vet nearby

Check where there is a recommended veterinarian near where you live. It is advisable to make an appointment for the new dog in the very first days in order to give vaccinations, perform a general examination and receive recommendations for proper nutrition.

Are you going to adopt a young puppy? You can also receive instructions from the veterinarian regarding conduct during the first vaccinations. Did you get a dog from a shelter or kennel? It is important to check his health and understand if there are things that need treatment. Either way, maintaining the dog's health and following a correct routine in terms of nutrition, sports activity and periodic check-ups will help prevent problems later on and can save a lot of heartache and pocket money in the future. 

Purchase medical insurance for dogs in advance

You will also take care of your dog at all costs, sometimes it is impossible to prevent an illness, an injury from an accident or a medical problem that may weigh on the pocket. After all, like us humans, even when it comes to our best friend, there are medical treatments that can reach thousands of shekels (and even more). That is why it is important to have dog insurance that is designed to cover a variety of medical expenses.

For example, Phoenix's pet insurance covers a variety of medical treatments, medications, surgeries and hospitalizations, coverage for photographs and laboratory tests, and even provides compensation in the event of death following an accident. And if the dog, God forbid, causes bodily or property damage to a third party? Dog insurance from Phoenix covers this too, with coverage of up to NIS 700,000.

Why is it important to purchase pet insurance as soon as the dog arrives home? Because, as with humans, even among dogs, the insurance does not cover diseases from which the dog already suffers. Another reason to add the dog to the insurance as soon as possible, is the age limit that allows adding the dog to the policy up to the age of 8 only. 

The arrival of a new dog is an exciting event, which is expected to bring lots of joy and love into the home. Proper preparation for the arrival of the dog will allow you to go through the adaptation period as smoothly as possible - and live together happily and happily. 

This information is general about the plan only and all of the above is subject to the full policy terms and conditions. In any place of contradiction between the information appearing in this publication and the terms of the policy - the terms of the policy prevail. Joining the insurance is subject to the joining processes and the company's underwriting policy. The above information does not constitute an opinion or recommendation and is not a substitute for advice that takes into account the data and the special needs of the insured.

The article was written In collaboration with The Phoenix Smart