SafeFields reduces radiation in electric, hybrid vehicles

Israeli startup SafeFields Technologies Ltd unveils solution cutting radiation in electric, hybrid vehicles by 80-90%, suitable for various vehicle types, aiding in reducing health risks.

 Oded Einat and Shaul Shulman  (photo credit: AMIT ALFONTA)
Oded Einat and Shaul Shulman
(photo credit: AMIT ALFONTA)

At a launch event held this morning at the Publica Hotel in Herzliya, the Israeli startup company SafeFields Technologies Ltd revealed a unique and groundbreaking solution that actively reduces the radiation generated in electric and hybrid vehicles by 80-90%. The solution is suitable for electric and hybrid vehicles of their various types - plug-in, traditional hybrid and mild hybrid (including V48 battery). 

Oded Einat, co-founder and CEO of SafeFields: "SafeFields is proud to present a unique and first-of-its-kind solution for a significant reduction of about 80%-90% in radiation levels in electric and hybrid vehicles. The solution can be installed easily and is accessible to the general public nationwide. The electric and hybrid vehicle market has been in a huge boom in recent years, when all vehicles of all categories have in common, the radiation produced by the various electrical systems in the passenger seats. Our product is suitable for both a new vehicle from the dealership and a vehicle that is ten or more years old, regardless of the manufacturer, the size of the vehicle, the location of the battery or the type of drive - the SafeFields product works with all types of drives - from mild hybrids, through normal and plug-in hybrids, and of course with full electric drive." . 

Dr. Amnon Duvdevany, expert on the risks of non-ionizing radiation, member of national and international committees, expert advisor to government ministries, and head of the field of non-ionizing radiation at the Institute for Safety and Guidance: "In electric and hybrid vehicles there is exposure to low frequency magnetic fields, to a much higher degree than In fuel-powered vehicles, these fields have proven effects on human health, at high exposure levels - excitation of the nervous system, and there is concern about chronic effects in prolonged exposures, which continue to be studied. The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) has classified the magnetic fields as low frequencies As a "possible carcinogen in humans", mainly based on morbidity studies of the blood cancer type juvenile leukemia (ALL). Therefore, the World Health Organization and the government ministries in Israel recommend observing the "precautionary principle" and reducing exposure. In Israel, the government ministries recommended an average daily target value for limiting exposure of up to 4 milligauss. 

The Safefields solution can be installed by a professional installer on all electric and hybrid vehicles - new and old. In the coming months, SafeFields will begin the first sales of the product compatible with the variety of popular vehicle models in Israel. At the beginning of 2025, the company is expected to expand distribution and marketing channels in Israel and the global market. At the same time, the company works around the world to create collaborations with car manufacturers to integrate the solution as an integral part in electric and hybrid vehicles already at the planning and development stage.