Smartwatch for kids: Remote video camera and panic button

The Kidi Chat 2.1 smartwatch for kids offers remote video and audio monitoring, giving parents peace of mind and control in today’s complex reality.

 The Kidi Chat 2.1 smartwatch for kids, NIS 449 (photo credit: Liran Tal)
The Kidi Chat 2.1 smartwatch for kids, NIS 449
(photo credit: Liran Tal)

The latest version of the Kidi Chat 2.1 smartwatch for kids allows parents to remotely record video and audio at any moment, directly to their mobile phones.

This close monitoring camera for children includes remote viewing and audio. In our complex daily reality, many parents face numerous dilemmas and anxieties when their children are not at home. We've witnessed numerous incidents of violence in various reports, and adding to this is the almost year-long life under the shadow of war. These circumstances have driven many tech companies to meet the growing demand from parents for child safety solutions, providing peace of mind on one hand and control over their children’s activities on the other.

KidiWatch, a company developing smartwatches for kids, has now launched a new version of its smartwatch, which integrates a video camera that can be activated to record the surroundings of the child at any given moment. The footage is streamed directly from the watch to the parents' phones, including sound. The watch is controlled via an app installed on the parents’ mobile devices, allowing remote control of the watch. The new model, Kidi Chat 2.1, also enables parents to monitor and control the social networks their children are exposed to. The watch supports apps like WhatsApp, TikTok, and YouTube, with parents deciding whether to allow or block access to them.

Here are the findings from Nir, our tester:

Knowing What’s Happening Around Your Child at All Times

“This past year has been different. To put it mildly, it’s been a challenging year, adding a new layer of anxiety to our lives as Israelis. As parents of a child entering first grade, we felt that alongside the excitement and the usual concerns that accompany the occasion, there was an added worry: existential anxiety about knowing where our child is at all times and concern for his safety. This was the reason we decided to equip him with a smartwatch.

“When we started searching for a suitable product, we mainly focused on three important aspects: the ease of locating our child at any moment, the ability to know what’s happening around him, and how he could contact us if needed. Indeed, these are three crucial functions that the watch provides perfectly. The GPS is accurate in locating positions, and there's a feature that allows us to clearly hear what’s happening around the child, even capturing a photo without the child needing to do anything or even being aware of it.

“With the app installed on our phones by scanning a code on the back of the watch, we discovered that only we can edit the contacts on the child’s phone: who is allowed to call him, with whom he can have video calls, and even remotely turning the watch on or off, and setting times when the watch is on ‘silent mode.’

“The other functions of the watch are mainly designed to give the child a fun experience and a sense of being ‘like the grown-ups’: games, emojis, chats, and voice and video calls with all family members. The watch works with a SIM card and a dedicated number, and the design is clean and age-appropriate.”

 The latest version of the Kidi Chat 2.1 smartwatch for kids (credit: Nir Yahav)
The latest version of the Kidi Chat 2.1 smartwatch for kids (credit: Nir Yahav)

Returning to the manufacturer’s information: In addition to remote control features, the watch includes a stopwatch, an alarm clock, a math practice game, a recording option, and voice messages. The watch comes with an especially strong 700 mAh battery, a color display, and an Android operating system. It is suitable for ages 2-12. The recommended retail price is NIS 499. The package includes a SIM card for a service package that can be activated through KidiWatch with a basic subscription costing NIS 12.9 per month.

Available at and in stores across the country.