Starting Friday: Improvements to bus routes in Herzliya and the Sharon region

New routes and additional trips in Metropoline’s service as part of the Sharon region's new public transportation tender, including lines to the train station, business area, and beach.

 More trips to the train station, Herzliya Pituach business area, and the beach, as well as between Herzliya, Kfar Saba, Ra'anana, and Tzur Yitzhak (photo credit: Metropoline)
More trips to the train station, Herzliya Pituach business area, and the beach, as well as between Herzliya, Kfar Saba, Ra'anana, and Tzur Yitzhak
(photo credit: Metropoline)

Friday the 13th marks the launch of improvements in public transportation. Metropoline, which has been operating public transportation in the Sharon region since 2010, will implement a series of improvements to bus routes in Herzliya. This is not a new service addition but rather funding that was included in the Sharon public transportation tender from the Transportation Ministry and the National Public Transport Authority, in which Metropoline won for the second time.

Last June, the first round of improvements was implemented, significantly increasing the service lines connecting the Sharon region with the Tel Aviv metropolitan area by over 160 daily trips.

Now, the second round is being carried out, which includes the launch of two new urban service lines: Line 33 in Herzliya will connect the Nahalat Ada and Gan Rashel neighborhoods to the city center, and in the opposite direction, it will connect Galil Yam to the city center and key destinations such as the Seven Stars Mall, the train station, and the beaches. The frequency of the line will be every 15-20 minutes during most hours of operation.

Line 34 will connect the Yad Hatish'a and Herzliya Hayeruka neighborhoods to the city center, Seven Stars Mall, the train station, and the southern industrial area of Herzliya. The frequency of this line will also be every 15-20 minutes during most hours of operation.

Routes with increased frequency: Lines 29 and 39 between Herzliya and Kfar Saba, via Ra'anana, will operate every 10-20 minutes during most hours of operation. Line 31 between Hersliya Marina and the Ra'anana West train station, Line 27 between Herzliya and Ramat Hasharon, Line 15 between Kfar Saba and Ra'anana, Lines 8 and 14 between the Atir Yeda industrial area and the Green neighborhood in Kfar Saba, Line 9/19 between Hersliya train station and Ra'anana West train station, and Line 9 between Kfar Saba and Hod Hasharon will all operate every 15-20 minutes during most hours of operation. The lines between Tzur Yitzhak and Kfar Saba will also be increased but will still operate at a lower frequency of 30-60 minutes.

Simultaneously, Lines 2 and 13 in Herzliya will be discontinued, with Lines 33 and 31 serving as replacements.

As part of the new tender, the company has recently completed the replacement of the bus fleet in the Sharon region, now consisting of more than 250 electric and natural gas-powered buses.

Yair Katzir, CEO of Metropoline, stated: "The company is pleased to significantly expand public transportation services in the Sharon region and offer users an improved and better system that will adequately meet various demands."