Tishrei holidays: Differences of more than 25% on the same basket

Price survey reveals: Gaps of up to 25% between the marketing chains on a basket of holiday products. Where will you find the cheapest prices?

  The planning and preparations for meals begin weeks in advance, with every detail taken into account  (photo credit: SHUTTERSTOCK)
The planning and preparations for meals begin weeks in advance, with every detail taken into account
(photo credit: SHUTTERSTOCK)

In less than a month we will celebrate Rosh Hashanah and with it the Tishrei holidays will begin, where the holiday table is the heart of the holiday. This year, the holidays take on a deep and different meaning than previous years. We mark the beginning of a new year, but also deal with the difficult year that has passed for the people of Israel. A year has passed since the events of October, and we continue to remember the spaces we lost and pray for the return of the kidnapped soon. Although nothing is the same, we continue to maintain the tradition of the Israeli holidays and unite the families around the table even when the heart is heavy.

Beyond the security challenges, we face another economic challenge that weighs on every home - the cost of living. The holidays are approaching and household expenses are increasing. Now, more than ever, it is necessary to be financially prudent and take advantage of sales in a smart way in order to maintain the family budget, and this without compromising the quality and joy of the holiday.

This way you will save money and also peace of mind

The holidays are approaching, and shopping for them becomes a central part of the preparations, and those who buy early - profit. Price promotions on many products are already available weeks before the holiday, and those who wait until the last minute may find that some of the requested products have sold out or that their prices have jumped sharply.

Shopping in advance allows you to avoid unnecessary stress on the day of the holiday itself, which allows you to focus on preparations and hospitality and not on running to busy supermarkets. It is recommended to start shopping for dry products such as rice, pasta, and canned goods. These products can be found in attractive promotions long before the holiday, and purchasing them in advance will allow you to save on expenses and ensure that everything will be ready on time.

In the digital age, monitoring the network's publications and promotions becomes a central tool in the smart management of expenses. You should follow publications on websites, on social networks and in the sales brochures of the marketing chains. This way you can identify profitable deals and adjust your shopping accordingly. Sometimes buying the meat in one chain and the other products in another chain can save you significant amounts. Splitting the shopping between several stores can ensure that the budget is maintained without sacrificing quality.

One of the most effective ways to ensure that you buy everything you need without spending too much money is to prepare an orderly shopping list, based on planning the holiday meal menus. Start by planning the main dishes, and only then unpack the ingredients and quantities needed for each dish. Ordered shopping list

It will help you avoid impulsive purchases, ensure that you don't forget anything and make sure that the expenses are in line with the budget you have allocated for yourself. In addition, it is recommended to take advantage of the current promotions to purchase fresh or frozen beef and lamb products, and freeze them until the holiday to enjoy better prices and ensure that the meat will be ready for use at exactly the right time.

In recent years, more families choose to join together for joint shopping before the holiday. Group purchases allow you to benefit from significant discounts and unique promotions that are only available for bulk orders. In addition, shopping in a group allows you to save time and effort when each family focuses on purchasing certain products and distributes them among all the participants. This method also strengthens community ties and the sense of partnership.

 Holiday table. Shopping in advance allows you to avoid unnecessary stress on the day of the holiday itself (credit: PR)
Holiday table. Shopping in advance allows you to avoid unnecessary stress on the day of the holiday itself (credit: PR)

Holiday economy

According to the data of the Central Bureau of Statistics, an average household spends about NIS 2298 per month on consumer goods. In preparation for the Tishrei holidays, food expenses jump by more than 35% and the total expenditure on consumer goods reaches about NIS 4000 - an amount that is about two one third of the minimum wage in the economy. These deviations lead to the formation of an overdraft in the bank account and affect the ability to manage the family budget over time.

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In an era of non-stop promotions, the Israeli consumer faces another challenge - postponing gratification and impulsive buying. It is not always easy to resist the tempting offers, and sometimes we find ourselves adding products to the cart just because they are on sale. This behavior emphasizes the need to invest in education for wise consumerism and proper financial management, especially during the holidays. Preparing a shopping list, tracking promotions, and splitting the shopping between different chains are steps that will help you maintain your budget and avoid unnecessary expenses. Preparations in advance are not only a practical matter - they allow you to enjoy a happy holiday full of unnecessary union.

 Shopping basket survey: the results (credit: PR)
Shopping basket survey: the results (credit: PR)

The Walla website through the Pricez website went out to check the price differences just before the Tishrei holidays. We put together a wide shopping basket with 58 of the most common products on the shopping list and preparations for the Tishri holidays. We reviewed the basket in the 9 leading marketing chains, and we see that the close competition has already begun, which gives us the opportunity to examine which chain is the most profitable.

In the survey we found that the cheapest basket is found in the half-free network at a cost of NIS 711, while in second place, by a small margin, is the Rami Levy Marketing Sycamore chain with a basket at a cost of NIS 715. We found the most expensive basket in the Freshmarket chain at a cost of NIS 893. The gap between the most expensive basket and the cheapest one in the survey stands at a gap of 25% - a difference of NIS 182, which indicates that advance preparation and the correct choice of the shopping place can save significant amounts for each family. This is a substantial saving that can improve the holiday experience and reduce financial pressure.

**The survey was carried out through the Pricez website as of 09-03-2024 based on common consumer prices T.L.H.