Vacation dilemma: What to do with your dog? Solutions for peace of mind

Worried about leaving your dog during vacation? Find peace of mind with these solutions to ensure your furry friend is well cared for while you're away.

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(photo credit: ASAP)

Every dog is unique. His behavior, character, and specific needs should guide your decision. Dogs are social creatures and sensitive to changes, so it is important to find a solution that minimizes their stress and anxiety. 

The dog is at the home of a neighbor, friend or family member who can be trusted

One of the most common and good options is to leave the dog with someone you know and trust, such as a neighbor, friend or family member. This way you can be sure that the dog remains in good and familiar hands, and in the company of people for most of the day. However, it is very important to remember that even when it comes to someone you know, the dog needs a period of habituation to both the person and the new place. 

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(credit: INGIMAGE)

It is recommended to start the habituation process a few weeks before the vacation. Start with short visits of the dog in the new place, and gradually extend them. Allow the dog to explore the new environment in your presence, so that he feels more secure. Encourage the future handler to spend time with the dog, play with it and take it for short walks. The more comfortable the dog feels with the person and the place before the vacation, the more positive the experience will be during it.

It is important to make an orderly overlap with the person who takes care of the dog, to explain to him his habits and preferences and to make sure that the dog has no possibility of escaping from the new home or during the trips. As mentioned, the recommendation is to do this according to the character of the dog and after a suitable habituation period.

The dog stays in his home with an acquaintance or a professional dog sitter throughout the period.

Another great option is to invite someone to live in your home with the dog during your absence. This can be a friend, family member, or a professional therapist who specializes in this service. The great advantage of this solution is that the dog stays in his familiar and beloved environment, with all the objects and smells familiar to him. The handler can maintain the dog's normal daily routine, including feeding, walks, games and regular sleep times.

When choosing this option, it is very important to spend time getting to know the handler and the dog before the trip. If it's someone the dog doesn't know, you should invite him for short visits at home a few times before the vacation. This will help the dog feel comfortable with the new presence in his home. Even in this case, encourage the future handler to spend time with the dog, play with it and take it for short walks in the places the dog likes to walk.

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(credit: INGIMAGE)

Boarding for dogs

Another common option is to send the dog to a regulated boarding house for dogs. In the boarding house, the dog is in the company of other dogs and is cared for by professionals. There are a variety of boarding houses, including those run by veterinarians and dog trainers. When choosing the appropriate boarding house, it is important to get recommendations from other dog owners, adapt the boarding house to the character and habits of the dog, and visit the place to get an impression of the conditions and treatment.

The boarding houses do offer professional management and veterinary monitoring, but remember that the dog leaves his familiar and natural, warm and homely environment, and the hustle and bustle can be significantly stressful for him. In addition, the boarding cages are less pampering than the home and there is a risk of contracting diseases and parasites. This solution is mainly suitable for sociable dogs that get along with other dogs.

Home boarding

In the home boarding house, the dog stays in the private home of the boarding house owners, usually people who are experienced in raising dogs. Here the dog receives a more personal and indulgent treatment, and does not get lost among crowds of other dogs. It is important to choose a boarding house based on recommendations, to make sure that there are no hidden escape routes, to check the professionalism of the boarding house owner, just like you check a babysitter for children, and to make sure that your dog will be treated well. In the home boarding house, the dog will receive personal treatment and a protected environment, and of course loving company and the presence of people. However, it must be remembered that the dog may suffer from loneliness because of your absence, and this is very natural.

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(credit: INGIMAGE)

In conclusion

Prepare a suitable arrangement for the dog according to its nature and treat the expenses of its treatment as part of the vacation expenses. Remember, preparation and gradual habituation are the key to success, whatever option you choose. This way you can enjoy a vacation with peace of mind, knowing that the dog is well taken care of. Make a detailed list of the dog's habits, preferences, medical needs if any, and important phone numbers such as your veterinarian.

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Also, leave interesting toys for the dog such as feeding toys, take care of a sufficient amount of his food and snacks. Ask to maintain a feeding, walking and playing routine similar to the one at home and just as importantly - ask for regular updates from the therapist or boarding house for your peace of mind.

The author of the article is  Merav Gamliel Boshen - a dog trainer and behavioral therapist on behalf of the ACANA brand.