Want free food and tours: How to get them in the European city

As part of a new pilot, travelers in Copenhagen who engage in environmentally friendly activities such as picking up trash or riding public transportation can win free food and cultural experiences.

  (photo credit: INGIMAGE)
(photo credit: INGIMAGE)

While Europe fights against the tourists who fill the streets during the summer, in Copenhagen they realized that there was nothing to fight the travelers and instead thought of a creative solution that would harness them for an important cause. 

As part of a new pilot, travelers visiting Copenhagen between July 15 and August 11 who engage in environmentally friendly activities, such as picking up trash or riding public transportation, will be able to win free food, cultural experiences and tours.

It is an attempt to "turn green actions into currency for cultural experiences," said Visit Copenhagen, the Danish capital's tourism authority. As part of the example pilot, visitors who take plastic waste to the National Gallery of Denmark will be given access to a workshop where they can transform it into a work of art, while those who ride a bike or take public transport to the city's heating station will be able to skate on the ski attraction located on the roof of the building.

According to Visit Copenhagen, perks will include free guided museum tours, free kayak rentals, and even a free vegetarian lunch.

And it's not that hard to get the benefits, it's part of our duty to collect the garbage we leave in the world. Also, Copenhagen is a paradise for cyclists, with 382 kilometers of easy cycling paths.

As mentioned, this plan is being launched at a time of increasing complaints about over-tourism in places like Barcelona, the Canary Islands and Majorca.