WATEC Israel 2024: New technologies in water crisis

Against worsening global water crisis: WATEC Israel 2024 conference in Jerusalem to unveil new technologies and approaches that may save the world.

 WATEC Israel 2019 conference (photo credit: No credit)
WATEC Israel 2019 conference
(photo credit: No credit)

The WATEC Israel 2024 conference and exhibition will be held in Jerusalem this coming September (16-19 of the month) and are expected to be attended by experts from Israel and around the world, entrepreneurs and investors in the fields of water technologies and more.

The theme of the conference is "Developing resilience and fostering innovation in water management" and it will deal with the planning and responsible management of water sources in Israel and around the world and their protection. The conference is taking place against the backdrop of a worsening water crisis all over the world, which has enormous implications for agriculture, the nutritional and health security of billions of people. The conference sessions and the plenary lectures will present a series of challenges concerning the water resource which is in short supply all over the world.

Among the topics that will be discussed: smart water systems and digitization, extracting water from the air, how artificial intelligence and big data are harnessed for more efficient management and use of water, new desalination technologies, the fight against the pollution of water sources, including against micro-pollutants and compounds used in flame retardants, water challenges in agriculture, water management Urban, the struggle to preserve and restore natural resources such as the Dead Sea and streams, reclamation of effluents and a long list of other issues. A special session that will be held in collaboration with the American Embassy in Israel will present a simulation of a water crisis and how to deal with it.

17 Israeli start-up companies will present new water technologies at the conference and demonstrate them to venture capital investors and the thousands of participants. The two chairmen of the conference are Oded Distel, who is active in two companies in the field, and Ravid Levy, head of Israel's water innovation community WaterEdge.IL. Members of the organizing committee: Oded Rahav, founder and CEO of the Dead Sea Guardians Association, Eyal Lavie, director of the water industries of the Manufacturers' Association, Semyon Rober, CEO of the Sorek desalination plant, Dr. Ran Sutzkvarin, head of the Faculty of Water Engineering at Kinneret College, Jordan Valley .  

Ravid Levy: "The entire world is currently dealing with the lack of water due to climate change, the depletion of water sources and their pollution and a long series of unprecedented challenges facing humanity. The State of Israel has learned from its early days to develop a unique knowledge of water management as a national resource in a state of scarcity, including dedicated laws in the field, a structure Organizations and advanced technologies developed in Israel over decades.

We will present at the conference this unique Israeli approach that the whole world can benefit from, including groundbreaking technological developments in the field of water. Israel's many years of experience in dealing nationally with water shortages, as well as with floods and rapid growth in agricultural and urban demand, is of great benefit to other countries that are currently facing similar challenges. The world is waking up to the recognition that water is the basis for resilience in the face of the climate crisis and that Israel is a source of knowledge and experience for this."