What should you know about disability percentages due to post-trauma in the military?

Don't give up your rights; בontact attorney Yedidia Bloemhof to ensure the compensation you deserve promptly after post-traumatic stress disorder in the army.

 What do you need to know about disability rates following post-traumatic stress disorder in the army?  (photo credit: PEXELS)
What do you need to know about disability rates following post-traumatic stress disorder in the army?
(photo credit: PEXELS)

The article was written in collaboration with yedlaw

Most of us have heard the phrase "post-trauma", and in our country we know the situation well; Many people who serve in the security forces, and especially soldiers in combat units, are affected by this condition during or after their service. It is a disability for anything that affects the mental and physical conduct, and therefore it qualifies for receiving a percentage of disability from the Ministry of Defense. If you don't know what the process requires, here we will detail what needs to be done to exercise this right and how a disability lawyer can tip the scales in your favor.

What are the causes of post trauma in the army?

Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) in military personnel can manifest immediately after a traumatic event or even years later. This state of mind can be triggered by reminders of past traumas, which severely impair daily life.

The main causes of PTSD resulting from military service include:

Life-threatening events: Participation in battles, wars, training or military operations.

Indirect exposure to life-threatening events: Witnessing traumatic events, such as caring for injured friends, or witnessing an event that caused injury to others.

Service-connected illness: Health problems arising from military duties.

Sexual assault: Cases of sexual violence are significant triggers for the development of PTSD in the military

These traumatic experiences can lead to symptoms such as painful memories that come back again and again, negative thoughts, nightmares, flashbacks and great mental distress that interferes with basic functioning at work and in personal life.

Why file a claim for post-traumatic stress disorder in the army?

Post-trauma is not as visible as physical injuries, which causes many people to avoid exercising their rights. However, the consequences can be just as significant, and affect daily functioning - occupationally, personally and socially. This is why filing a lawsuit against the Ministry of Defense for PTSD is essential, as it can provide:

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Disability benefits: These can help maintain a stable lifestyle for those who cannot work or hold a regular job due to their condition.

Access to Treatment: Financial assistance enables affected individuals to receive essential treatments to manage PTSD symptoms.

The process of filing a claim for post-traumatic stress disorder from the military

In order to succeed in a lawsuit against the Ministry of Defense for post-traumatic stress disorder, one must first receive an official diagnosis of the condition. In the next step, a clear causal link between the military service or the specific military event that led to PTSD must be proven.

In order to initiate claims of this type, it is important to collect all the relevant medical documentation of the claimant and present it to the compensation officer in the rehabilitation division of the Ministry of Defense. After that, a comprehensive investigation of the plaintiff's history will be conducted, and in recent years there has been an easing of military post-trauma claims, even in cases where there is a history of mental problems, (diagnosed or undiagnosed); A certain claimant experienced mental conditions in his past and developed post-traumatic stress disorder in the military service, he can still file a claim for the condition. Today it is recognized that even if there was such a situation, the military service and lack of preliminary diagnosis of the mental problem by the military led to PTSD.

After collecting the investigation materials and filling out the appropriate claim form, the claimant will be referred to a psychiatrist from the Rehabilitation Division at the Ministry of Defense. If the psychiatrist comes to the conclusion that the PTSD was caused by military, security service, the benefits officer will forward the case to the medical committee of the Ministry of Defense, which will determine the percentages of disability that will be determined.

This process may last several months and includes an in-depth examination of the plaintiff's life. If you receive recognition for PTSD, you can receive disability percentages based on the severity of your condition, as well as benefits and treatments depending on your condition. In cases where you receive disability percentages that are too low, or disability percentages that do not qualify for compensation, you can file an appeal and receive increased disability percentages with a medical board lawyer.

If you are filing your first PTSD claim, or an appeal, you can increase your chances of winning with a professional disability attorney. These cases require accurate documentation and professional diagnosis, as well as support from the environment and representation by an expert lawyer with experience in the field.

How can you succeed in claims about post-trauma from the army?

Claims of this type are often lengthy and largely depend on a thorough collection of relevant medical documents and effective management of interactions with the Ministry of Defense. A well-organized case, supported by clear evidence, can expedite the process and strengthen the causal link between military service and PTSD.

Therefore, navigating the claim process for military-related PTSD is inherently complex and can take months or more. The success of such claims often depends on the thoroughness of the preparation of evidence and effective communication with all relevant parties in the Ministry of Defense.

A medical board attorney, such as attorney Yedidia Bloemhof - a recognized IDF disabled person with extensive experience in lawsuits against the Ministry of Defense, can significantly improve your chances of success. Attorney Bloemhof's extensive experience in handling PTSD claims against the Ministry of Defense ensures that you will have professional support throughout the process, which increases the likelihood of a positive outcome. Do not give up your rights; contact attorney Yedidia Bloemhof to ensure the compensation you deserve as soon as possible.

The article was written in collaboration with yedlaw