When will it arrive in Israel? IKEA finds a solution to your biggest annoyance

Shopping at IKEA is easy, but assembling the furniture is a different story. The company has introduced a solution in Europe. When will it be completed and come to Israel?

 Ikea in Netanya (photo credit: REUVEN CASTRO)
Ikea in Netanya
(photo credit: REUVEN CASTRO)

Not everyone enjoys going to IKEA, but almost everyone agrees it's a convenient solution at a reasonable price. The problem usually begins after the purchase – when it's time to assemble the sofa or wardrobe you bought.

In January, IKEA's global CEO Jesper Brodin revealed to the German publication Bild that the company is planning a solution to ease the assembly process for customers: turbo-assembly products, which he called a "small revolution."

According to Bild, the first product to launch in Germany will be a wardrobe, which is expected to take just 20 minutes to assemble since it doesn’t require screws, only easy-to-connect fittings. This means that instead of 105 screws, hooks, and other small parts that are easily lost, there are only 23 pieces. Additionally, the wardrobe can be folded rather than disassembled, preventing damage.

 IKEA wardrobe with turbo assembly – folding instead of screwing (credit: IKEA, official site)
IKEA wardrobe with turbo assembly – folding instead of screwing (credit: IKEA, official site)

So, when exactly will we see more products like this, and when will they be introduced in stores worldwide? Even IKEA hasn't provided exact details, saying only that they are "ready for any challenge." It may take some time, but at least the Swedish meatballs and cookies are still with us.