2 W. Bank Palestinians sue state over sewage plant 'built on their land'

2 W. Bank Palestinians s

Two residents of the Palestinian village of Ein-Yabrud, in the West Bank, filed a legal suit for compensation at the Tel Aviv Magistrate's Court on Wednesday, claiming Israel had built a sewage treatment facility on their land. The two, who are represented by human rights organization Yesh Din, demand that Israel evacuate the land. The sewage treatment facility of the settlement Ofra was built in 2007. The complainants are demanding compensation of half-a-million shekels for damages due to loss of use of the land. "The construction of this sewage sanitation facility in Ofra is an example of the multi-faceted criminal involvement of the State of Israel in illegal settlement construction," said Yesh Din legal counsel Michael Sfard. "The state stood by while private property was stolen in broad daylight, and its representatives did nothing to enforce the law and did not protect Palestinian property. The governmental supervisory agents allowed the builders to ignore planning and construction laws and used Israeli taxpayers' money to fund the criminal project that stands like a huge grey elephant on stolen land."