A number of unidentified individuals stoned a car belonging to an Arab resident of Sheikh Jarrah in east Jerusalem, Israeli media reported on Friday morning. Two 16-year-old men, from the West Bank and Haifa, were arrested by police on Friday for suspected involvement in the incident.
רעולי פנים תועדו אמש רוגמים באבנים רכב של תושב ערבי בשכונת שייח' ג'ראח בירושלים, כשהוא בתוך הרכב - ונמלטים@SuleimanMas1 pic.twitter.com/Wav3Qg8n3w
— כאן חדשות (@kann_news) December 10, 2021
The perpetrators ran away shortly after throwing the stones. The driver has successfully escaped the car but his condition has not been determined yet.
"These lawbreakers are not wanted in the Jewish neighborhoods of east Jerusalem - I'm embarrassed by you. Don't come back," said Jerusalem Deputy Mayor Arye King.
A Jewish woman was stabbed while walking with her children in the Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood of east Jerusalem on Wednesday morning, the latest in a recent wave of terrorist attacks.
The suspect was arrested later Wednesday morning at a school in the east Jerusalem neighborhood, Israel Police announced.Police suspect that the attacker was helped by the school, said Shimon Marziano, deputy police chief, according to KAN.